This section replaces the previous one, named "Filters" in RMsis 1.0.0 documentation and release from RMsis 1.1.0 onwards. Search is available,
- both in the Planned and Unplanned Requirement Tables with RMsis
- v.1.1.0 release.
- In almost all tables and panels (where necessary) from RMsis v.1.3.0 release.
The user can now search requirements using
- Requirement Numeric part or complete Id
- part of text in the Requirement Summary field/ Name fields.
In case some filters (available in column headers) are already applied, initiating a search
- will search from the filtered data set of Requirements.
RMsis implements filters with some common characteristics, described below:
- RMsis filters are implemented with a universal philosophy of
- OR within a column
- AND across columns
- A filter is indicated by the presence of an icon in a column header of a table.
- Filter can be accessed by clicking on this icon, which provides multi-select options (if available).
- The filter is applied as soon as an option is selected.
- The filter drop-down can be closed by clicking on the (now changed) icon.
A typical view from the Planned Requirements table is shown below.
Reset Filter