There have been some requests, where RMsis users entered some critical data in the embedded database during the evaluation period and at a later date wish to migrate to a production ready DataBase.
However, specific installations may have some unique issues. If you face any such issue, please contact Also see the notes at the end of this article.
Supported Platforms
- Linux OS has been used in the procedure described below.
- For migration on MS Windows platform, please use windows versions of all the listed tools. One of our customers has migrated on Windows 7 Platform and shared the following additional points:
- When we installed SQuirrel SQL on our Windows 7 machine, some plugins where not correctly installed although they were selected for installation in the installer.
- Especially "Copy Table" did not show up in the context menu.
- After manually installing the plugins in the right place and restarting the tool the context menu was there.
Resources / Tools Required
- You must have JAVA installed on your machine.
- SQuirrel SQL (
- JDBC database drivers
- Blank RMsis database (be sure you use correct database version)
- rmsis_164_blank.sql for RMsis-1.6.4
- rmsis_167_blank.sql for RMsis-1.6.7
- rmsis_168_blank.sql for RMsis-1.6.8
- rmsis_170_blank.sql for RMsis-1.7.0
- rmsis_171_r168_blank.sql for RMsis-1.7.1-r168
- rmsis_171_r183_blank.sql for RMsis-1.7.1-r183
- Jira admin access
- MySQL root access
- Installing SQuirrel SQL
- Download SQuirrel SQL from link given above
- Follow installation instructions given on
- Make sure, you enable all the plugins, specially H2 and MySQL database support
- Copy provided H2 and MySQL driver file in <SQuirrel Installation directory>/Contents/Resources/Java/lib directory
- Stop your JIRA instance
- Take RMsis database backup
- Go to <Jira Home>/rmsis/db/h2/<Your rmsis version>/rmsis.h2.db
- Copy this file and put in your <Work Folder>
- we will use this folder for most of our activities, so make sure it doesn't contain any other file
- creating a new folder is good idea
- Create two MySQL databases
- Only one will be used by RMsis, and you can drop other one later
- we will assume "rmsis_db_1" and "rmsis_db_2" as two database with user name "rmsis" and password "rmsis"
- You can choose different parameters, if you wish
- Start SQuirrel SQL (follow instructions given on installation page)
- Connecting to your H2 database file, placed in your work folder
- Go to Alias > New Alias
- Put rmsis-h2 as alias name
- From driver select "H2 Embedded"
- In URL replace <db-name> with path to <path to work folder>/rmsis
- User Name - "sa"
- Leave other password blank
- Click "Test" for testing your connection, if it fine, press save alias by clicking "OK".
17. Go to RMsis, and test if everything is fine.
Have Issues ?
- If the process breaks down in between or if you have any issues, do not proceed and contact
- looking at the complexity of migration, it may not be practical to exchange information on mails. At the minimum, we will need mechanism to view your screen, either through WebEx or Skype. Please ensure that this is possible, before contacting support.