- Restore the JIRA project data and run migration-validator.jar to validate if pre-requisites for data restoration is met or not. Make necessary changes if required.
- Details about migration validator is available at See https://docs.optimizory.com/x/qJ7B
- Copy the entire migrateutil-1.0.0-RC-05 directory along-with its content onto the destination server.
- Update the database connection details as per the target RMsis database in the conf/jdbc.properties file as per the steps mentioned in step 5 of "Steps to create the dump of existing database".
- For example, if the target database MySQL database having name "rmsisRestoredDb". The content of the updated file will look like the image mentioned below:
- For example, if the target database MySQL database having name "rmsisRestoredDb". The content of the updated file will look like the image mentioned below:
- Execute the migration utility using the following command to restore the backup in target RMsis database:
-b switch is used to specify the location of the directory where the backup of previous data is stored, here it is the location of the "backup" directory.
-v switch is used to specify the version of RMsis presently in use. Here, it is v1.8.89.1-r301r318. Format used: v<RMsisVersionNumber>-r<RMsisBuildNumber>
-j switch is used to specify the location of the updated jdbc.properties file which contains the details of target RMsis database.
restore is the name of the command which directs migration utility to restore the backup of old RMsis database into destination database.
- -x switch is used to specify that RMsis database already exists. This will restore the additional data related to single project only.
Code Block title Command to restore the backup using migration utility ./bin/migrateutil -b /path/to/migrationUtility/backupDirectory/ -v v1.8.9.1-r318 -j /path/to/migrationUtility/conf/jdbc.properties restore -x Example: ./bin/migrateutil -b /Users/pritam/path/to/migrationUtility/migrateutil-1.0.0-RC-05/backup/ -v v1.8.9.1-r318 -j /Users/pritam/path/to/migrationUtility/migrateutil-1.0.0-RC-05/conf/jdbc.properties restore -x ./bin/migrateutil -b ./backup/ -v v1.8.9.1-r318 -j ./conf/jdbc.properties restore -x
- Upon successful execution, the database content will be restored to the destination database.