- Baselines: All baselines associated with the requirement are shown in this column.
- Baseline Indicator: This is the "BL" column and displays the baseline status of a requirement.
- Not Baselined
- Marked for Baseline
- Marked for Baseline and changed
- Baselined
- A detailed description of Baseline States is available at Details of Requirements Baselining, Change and Audit.
- Depends on
- Depends on establishes Backward Traceability to a requirement.
- Requirement dependency can be created by clicking the cell corresponding to the requirement in "Depends On" column.
- After clicking on this column, a panel will appear.
- Check the requirements on which dependencies needs to be created.
- RMsis checks for and prevents cyclic dependencies.
- Creation of a "Depends On" relationship, automatically updates the Dependents relationship.
- Dependents
- Dependents show the forward traceability of a requirement.
- Requirement dependency can be created by clicking the cell corresponding to the requirement in "Dependents" column.
- After clicking on this column, a panel will appear.
- Check the requirements on which dependencies needs to be created.
- RMsis checks for and prevents cyclic dependencies.