While importing this data into a project:
- If TC - Id OR TC - External Id is not mapped, then
- the Test Steps cannot be imported.
- If TC-ID/External-ID is mapped and a TC-ID/External-ID already exist, and
if TS-ID is mapped and
if TS-ID column is left blank in the CSV file and other fields have been entered, then a new Test Step(TS-ID) is created against this TC-ID/External-ID.
if TS-ID already exists, then the data is updated.
if TS-ID doesn’t exists, then an error will be generated.
if TS-ID is not mapped,
the existing test steps will be deleted and new test steps specified in the CSV file will be created. In other words, the test steps specified in CSV file will override the existing test steps for the corresponding test case.
- Sequence number may not be mapped to the target, it will be auto-generated.
- Rest of the fields may or may not be mapped, depending on the user's choice. These include
- TS - Action
- TS - Expected Results
- TS - Custom Fields