- If an ID [ID | Name | External ID] is not mapped to target, then a new record will be created.
- If an ID [ID | Name | External ID] is mapped to target, and
If the ID does not exist, then a new record will be created.If the ID exists, the existing record will be updated.
Specific Information related to importing of Test Cases
- TC-ID and External-ID can not be mapped simultaneously, only one of them can be mapped at a time.
- If TC-ID is mapped and
if TC-ID column is left blank in the CSV file and other fields have been entered in CSV, then a new test case will be created.
if TC-ID already exists, then the data corresponding to this TC-ID is updated.
if TC-ID doesn't exist, then an error will be generated.
- If External-Id is mapped and
if External-ID column is left blank in the CSV file and other fields have been entered in CSV, then a new test case will be created.
if External-ID already exists, then the data corresponding to this External-ID is updated.
if External-ID doesn't exists, then a new test case will be created.