The function has three essential steps, but some of them may be skipped, depending upon the type of data provided by the user. The import process sequence is described below using Planned Requirements Import as an example:
Importing Data into RMsis
Important : Prepare for CSV Import
- The final step is to map the values / options for each of the fields.
- Pressing Import Button populates the RMsis database and the error list is displayed in a panel.
Creating new records vs. updating records
Please note that the general philosophy is that
- If an ID [ID | Name | External ID] is not mapped to target, then a new record will be created.
- If an ID [ID | Name | External ID] is mapped to target, and
- If the ID does not exist, then a new record will be created.
- If the ID exists, the existing record will be updated.
Specific Information related to Importing of Test Cases
- TC-ID and External-ID can not be mapped simultaneously, only one of them can be mapped at a time.
- If TC-ID is mapped and
if TC-ID column is left blank in the CSV file and other fields have been entered in CSV, then a new test case will be created.
if TC-ID already exists, then the data corresponding to this TC-ID is updated.
if TC-ID doesn't exist, then an error will be generated.
- If External-Id is mapped and
if External-ID column is left blank in the CSV file and other fields have been entered in CSV, then a new test case will be created.
if External-ID already exists, then the data corresponding to this External-ID is updated.
if External-ID doesn't exists, then a new test case will be created.