Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Move Test Case: A Test Case can be moved by entering the ID in the cell of an empty column, which displays <move>
  • Copy Test Case:
    • A Test Case can be copied by
      • Selecting a row and clicking on Copy Option in the table header
      • Opening the context menu using right mouse button click and selecting Copy
    • Subsequently a dialogue box will open and will prompt the user to identify the dependencies, which should be copied.
  • Delete Test Case: A Test Case can be deleted by
    • Selecting a row and clicking on Delete Button in the table header
    • Opening the context menu using right mouse button click and selecting Delete
  • Commit: User can commit a test case by
    •  Selecting Commit from the Context Menu
    • Choosing the Commit option from the Table Header.
  • UnCommit
  • Create Version:
    • User can create new version of a test case by
      • Selecting Create Version from the Context Menu.
      • Choosing the Create Version option from the Table Header.
    • Subsequently a dialogue box will open and will prompt the user to identify the dependencies, which should be copied.
  • Search: The user can now search using :
    • Numeric part or complete Id of Test Case

    • Part of text in the text / rich text area fields like Name, Description and custom fields using the search box provided. 

    • For searching text within a custom field of type text / rich text area, the search string should be in the format - CF:<Search_string>

  • Filter : System provides an option to view the latest OR all Versions of Test Cases.
  • Reset Filters: This clears the Search Text Box, removes any applied filter and resets the view to Latest View.
  • Select number of rows to display: This can be done by selecting the desired number of rows from the drop-down list present in the header.
  • Help: User can get details of attributes and operation on this page by clicking on icon.
  • Export to another Project
  • Associate Test Cases with a Test Run: 

    • For RMsis and later versions,

      In order to associate test case(s) with a test run from the Test Cases view, user can select the test case(s) and then click on "More operations" > "Associate Test Run" 
    • Image Modified
    • Select the Test Run with which test cases needs to be associated.
    • Image Modified

      For RMsis and previous versions

    • The "Associate TR" button available in the Test Cases Tab can be used to associate multiple test cases with a test run.
    • In order to associate multiple Test Case(s) with a Test Run, the user can select the test case(s) and click on "Associate TR" button.
    • Image Removed
    • A panel will appear, select the Test Run with which you want to associate the Test Case and click on submit.
    • Image Removed
  • Multi-select & Bulk Operations
    • RMsis provides a mechanism to do a bulk update of Attributes for multiple test cases.
    • To achieve this, select all the test cases, whose attribute is to be modified.
    • Choose Bulk Operation from the More Operations drop-down.
    • A dialog box will appear.
    • Select the attribute and value and Submit.
  • Export
    • Export to CSV: The test cases can be exported in CSV format by clicking on the icon.
    • Export as PDF : The test cases can be exported in PDF format by clicking on the  icon.
  • CSV Import:
    • Import TC Entities
      • Test Cases can be imported into RMsis by selecting CSV Import > TC Entities option.
      • A generic description of the functionality can be found at Generic CSV Import Function
    • Import TC Relationships
      • Test Cases can be imported into RMsis by selecting CSV Import > TC Relationships option.
      • This is a single step import and imports the relationships to Requirements, other Test Cases and JIRA Entities.




Important Notes

  • If you are unable to perform any operation, then please confirm with your administrator / manager that you have the required credentials.
  • Context Menu is accessible by right clicking on any table row. Operations defined in context menu will be performed on that row.
