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pageDetails of Requirements Baselining

Overview of Implementation


  • Mark for Baseline
    • All the selected entities will be marked against the latest baseline.
  • UnMark
    • All the selected entities will be UnMarked against the latest baseline.
  • Create Baseline
    • System The system will prompt for and save the Baseline Name & Description
    • All the Marked and selected requirements will be associated with the newly created baseline.
    • By default, the created baseline will be in uncommitted state. (Applicable to RMsis 1.8.8-r301 and later versions)
  • Link to Baseline: (Available in RMsis 1.8.8-r301 and later versions)

    • All selected and marked requirements can be linked with an already existing non-committed baseline by selecting "Link to Baseline" option.

  • Unlink From Baseline: (Available in RMsis 1.8.8-r301 and later versions)

    • All selected requirements can be un linked unlinked from a non-committed baseline by selecting "Unlink From Baseline" option.

  • Commit Baseline: (Available in RMsis 1.8.8-r301 and later versions)

    • The current state of the selected baseline will be saved after using the option "Commit Baseline". 

    • Requirements can not cannot be linked/ unlinked to a baseline after the baseline has been committed.

  • Uncommit Baseline: (Available in RMsis 1.8.8-r301 and later versions)

    • The selected baseline will be uncommitted after using the option "Uncommit Baseline". 

    • If a committed baseline has been uncommitted using this option, requirements can be linked/ unlinked to such baseline.


  • In the current implementation, only one version of an entity is displayed at any point of time.
  • Clicking on this button will show a scroll list displaying 10 (or MAX if < 10) with the latest baseline at the top.
  • Selecting an option will display the modified table.


  • Planned Requirements
  • Documents
  • References to other requirements maintained by Planned Requirements

In the future, the following entities are likely to be covered

  • Use Cases

Baselinie Baseline feature excludes/does not cover
