- If TC - Id OR TC - External Id is not mapped, then
- the Test Steps cannot be imported.
- If TC- Id already existsID/External-ID is mapped and a TC-ID/External-ID already exist, and
if TS-
Id does not exist, then the ID is mapped and
if TS-ID column is left blank in the CSV file and other fields have been entered, then a new Test Step(TS-
IdID) is created against this TC-ID/External-
if TS-
Id ID already exists, then the data is updated.
if TS-ID doesn’t exists, then an error will be generated.
if TS-ID is not mapped,
the existing test steps will be retained and new test steps (specified in the CSV file) will be created.
- Sequence number may not be mapped to the target, it will be auto-generated.
- Rest of the fields may or may not be mapped, depending on the user's choice. These include
- TS - Action
- TS - Expected Results
- TS - Custom Fields