If http://www.example.com is host, & tomcat server is running on port 8080 of this host; then RMsis base url(i.e. host ID) will be http://example.com:8080/rm/. RMsis base url may be different according to your deployment scenario.
If you get an error, which log files should you share with us?
Logs files that you need to share in case of error are:-
No, they are different.
I have JIRA running on another server and I am getting one of the following errors:
One of the following may be the cause of error, please check if
If your system reaches this state, then you will need to
Caution: If your system is already in use, please backup the database before trying out any fix.
Please clear the Tomcat Cache. This can be done by deleting the TOMCAT_HOME/work/Catalina/<HOST_NAME>/rm folder.
I am getting the following error while operating on issues java.lang.RuntimeException:com.atlassian.jira.event.ListenerException: Could not find class:com.optimizory.plugins.listener.RMsisListener
May be you have wrong listener configuration. To resolve this issue: -
You may have multiple JIRA plugins installed in the system. To resolve this issue : -
I am getting the following error after clicking on RMsis. Error : RMsis is already connected to JIRA instance "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX".
Detailed error in this case is as below: -
Error : RMsis is already connected to JIRA instance "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX". It cannot be connected to this JIRA instance "YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY".
Please note that here "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" and "YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY" represent two different JIRA server IDs.
Typically this error is due to the fact that RMsis can be connected with only one JIRA instance. If one instance of JIRA is already connected and there is need to connect to another JIRA instance then please specify different database configuration for RMsis (in jdbc.properties file) and restart application server.
In order to use RMsis for both JIRA instances simultaneously, different RMsis instance and license keys would be required.
This is because RMsis may not have permission to create / write a file in RMsis logs directory. You need to provide write permission to <RMSIS_HOME>/logs/ and will have to restart RMsis.
This problem has been fixed in Version 0.70 of RMsis. Please upgrade, if you are facing performance problems with each user login.
I am getting the following error during setup; jar:command not found / 'jar' is not recognized as an internal or external command
Please check that you have JDK installed (Java development kit). If you have not installed JDK then install it and set the JDK path as follows:
For any queries or unresolved issues, you can reach out to our support team support@optimizory.com and we will ensure a prompt response to your problem.