After the initial setup, RMsis can be configured anytime, with respect to

This can be achieved by clicking on RMsis > RMsis Configuration in the JIRA Menu Bar.

RMsis Server Configuration

Please note that

RMsis Default Configuration

JVM Memory Configuration

HTTPS Configuration

If HTTPS is selected, RMsis will ask for "Key Alias", "Keystore File" and "Keystore Password", where

Reverse Proxy Configuration

Reverse Proxy can be configured for RMsis Server by checking the Enable Reverse Proxy Settings. You will need to provide the following information:
After configuring reverse proxy, RMsis will create the proxy base url as:  <Proxy Scheme>://<Proxy Host Name>:<Proxy Port>/rm

RMsis Database Configuration

The RMsis database configured for this instance of RMsis can be configured on this screen. The system also provides mechanism to test connection to the database.

RMsis Mail Configuration

The user has an option to either enable OR disable the mails from RMsis.

Please note that:

Additional Notes: