Summary of RMsis Releases



Known Issues 

  • JIRA 7.0.x
    • JIRA throws a Javascript error, while editing OR moving issues in JIRA Board. This issue has already been verified with JIRA 7.0.2 and JIRA 7.0.10.
    • So if you face this issue, please upgrade to JIRA 7.1.1 or later.
  • Internet Explorer in Compatibility Mode
    • Please note that RMsis does not support IE-7 and older browsers.
    • So, IE-8 and later versions, when run in compatibility mode, may show problems.
  • RMsis
    • PDF Export does not work with East Asian Languages (Japanese / Chinese / Korean).
  • Databases
    • Oracle 
      • Oracle 11 G : A single project cannot contain more than 32,000 Requirements. Oracle 12C does not have this limitation.
    • SQL Server
      • A single project cannot contain more than 32,000 Requirements.
    • MySQL

      • MySQL database only supports 3 byte UTF8 characters if the default 'utf8' character set is chosen.

      • For 4byte UTF8 support, 'utf8mb4' character set needs to be chosen in MySQL. However, 'utf8mb4' character set is not supported by RMsis at present.

      • This issue is logged as RMI-3474 in our CRM. 

      • Due to this issue, you may experience unexpected behaviour and/or failure to access RMsis if a 4 byte UTF8 character is entered in a field in RMsis.

RMsis Releases till date

RMsis 2.1.1

Additional bug fixes - RMsis v.2.1.1-r398

  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-6267: Internal sources in Test Steps reappear after page reload
    • RMI-6262: Null Pointer Exception while applying search filter with blank filter

RMsis 2.1

Additional functions and improvements - RMsis v.2.1-r397

  • System
    • RMI-3937: Production of Word documents in custom templates
    • RMI-6082: Expose the list of existing workflow status to user.
    • RMI-6159: Provide API to directly access attachments by ID
    • RMI-6160: Provide API to directly access test case/test step of a testrun.
    • RMI-6183: Add API to get attachment only using attachment ID
    • RMI-6210: Hover over link / width of info box
    • RMI-6213: Word Add-in: Add option to print entire tree of tags in the word template.
    • RMI-6214: Add indentation level field in the Generic report.
    • RMI-6215: Word Add-In: Requirement dependent is not exported due to erroneous tag
    • RMI-6246: Display Full Name instead of username for watchers
    • RMI-6251: HTML tags are exported to the PDF of generic reports in RMsis
  • Requirements
    • RMI-5291: It should be possible to prevent adding any further links to a requirement once the requirement has been committed
    • RMI-5415: No email-notification at newer version
    • RMI-6248: Provide an option to export a copy of linked test cases as well while exporting Requirements to another project
  • Test Cases/ Test Runs
    • RMI-4311: Selecting a Test Case in traceability will open the detailed view of Test Case.
    • RMI-5905: Export of Test cases to other projects
    • RMI-6122: Provide option to select Test Case Version in Detailed view
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-2735: For a long running function, system becomes unusable for a user
    • RMI-5238: Select All Button fails to work after applying a filter.
    • RMI-5466: Improve performance of RMsis when accessed via confluence plugin.
    • RMI-6184: Data error is displayed while accessing requirement
    • RMI-6202: Disabled projects are listed for linking in Traceability
    • RMI-6203: PDF export for Generic report fails in IE 11
    • RMI-6231: Some fields are missing in Generic Report.
    • RMI-6249: Authentication/Data error issue while using Google Chrome

RMsis 2.0.5

Additional functions and improvements - RMsis v.2.0.5-r390

  • System
    • RMI-6175: Newly created Test steps from API should be added at the bottom in UI
    • RMI-1964/ RMI-3937: Provide feature to export requirements/test cases to Word document.
    • RMI-1390: Allow selecting columns to export to pdf
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-6193: Null Pointer-Exception is thrown during search when Not linked with Test Case filter is applied
    • RMI-6190: CSV Import: Test Step ID not found error is displayed upon importing CSV
    • RMI-6173: Black pages are exported in PDF if the Generic Report is huge (10+ pages)
    • RMI-6172/ RMI-6174: RMsis Plugin for Confluence compatibility update with Confluence 7.0.

RMsis 2.0.4

Additional Bug Fixes- RMsis-2.0.4-r381

  • System
    • RMI-6162: No access to attachments.
  • Requirement
    • RMI-6158: Containers cannot be updated using RMsis APIs.
    • RMI-6164: Performing bulk operation on Assignee field clears status field and editing gets disabled for status column.

RMsis 2.0.3

Additional functions and improvements - RMsis v.2.0.3-r376

  • Requirement
    • RMI-6146 - For requirement summary of length greater than 255 characters, issue text get abbreviated while creating Jira Issue
  • Test Cases/ Test Runs
    • RMI-6148 - Added support to hide Id column in Test Step table
    • RMI-6150 - Sort order is copied when creating copy of test run
  • Reporting
    • RMI-6147 - Formatting/ Line break is added to the text in Generic report
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-6145 - Data table not loading data in IE

RMsis 2.0.2

Additional functions and improvements - RMsis v.2.0.2-r370

  • System
    • RMI-6084 - RMsis fails to startup after Jira restart.
    • RMsis is now compatible with Jira version 8.3.x
  • Requirement
    • RMI-6062 - Multiple versions are selected when "Select Children in filter" option is used
  • Test Cases
    • RMI-6131 - Wrong Test Step ID is displayed in UI
  • Reporting
    • RMI-6087 - Expected result of Test Steps is not displayed in Generic Report
    • RMI-6083 - Requirement ID column renamed to Requirement View/Baseline for better understanding 
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-6136 - RMsis 2.x fails to work with MariaDB
    • RMI-6127 - Error running RMsis on HTTPS while using reverse proxy
    • RMI-6079 - Disable renaming of Internal Workflow Status
    • RMI-5984 - Memory leak in Generic Report UI
    • RMI-5954 - Multiple entries exists for single user in assignee list

RMsis 2.0

JIRA Data Center Compatibility and additional bug fixes - RMsis v.2.0-r365

  • System
    • RMsis is now compatible with JIRA Data Center.
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-6070/ RMI-5238: The bulk selection is not working/ Select All Button fails to work after applying a filter
    • RMI-6031: Turkish Characters gets transformed in SQL Server

RMsis 1.8.10

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.10-r355

  • System
    • RMI-5875: Provide RMsis version compatible with JIRA 8.0 
    • RMI-5737: Send Email only to assignees (send emails only if assignee is defined for a requirement)
    • RMI-5686: Order users displayed in assignee list
  • Test Cases
    • RMI-5741/ RMI-5584/ RMI-4522/ RMI-3821: Provide a feature to sort test cases within a test run in RMsis/ It shall be possible to order the test cases in a test run.
  • Reporting
    • RMI-5581: Provide feature to export Generic reports.
      • Limitations in Generic Report: The time required to populate the report depends upon the number of entities(Requirements/Test Cases/Artifacts) as well as the number of links associated with each entity. Also, the page may respond slow while the data is being loaded. Please allow some time to fetch and load the data. 

      • Known Issues with Generic Report: Chrome and Internet Explorer/Edge may report "communication failure" errors for large reports. This bug is logged as RMI-5984(Memory leak in Generic Report UI).

      • Suggested Workaround: Use Mozilla Firefox to populate generic reports.

  • Reverse Traceability
    • RMI-5196/ RMI-5197: Reverse Traceability without CSV- export/ Provide feature to export data in form of CSV file from Reverse Traceability view.
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-5921: Once Jira was upgraded to 8.x, RMsis appears to have lost links to Jira issues
    • RMI-5915: RMsis not compatible with 8.0.2
    • RMI-5913: Moving Versioned requirement to unplanned requirements fails with an exception
    • RMI-5909: RMsis plugin for confluence: 500 Internal server error is returned when preview button is used
    • RMI-5906: Export of Attribut “Internal Source” to csv
    • RMI-5838: Column data is not aligned properly in exported CSV file of Test Cases/Test Run if more than one test step is present.
    • RMI-5674: Query to apply blank filter fails for huge projects
    • RMI-5588: Optimize time required for Bulk Indentation of requirements
    • RMI-5261: Search in Long Lists/ dropdown menu doesn't work
    • RMI-2428: "Epic Name" is not populated when an issue of type "Epic" is created using "Create Jira Issue" feature in RMsis
  • Note: If you are using a previous version of RMsis, please upgrade your RMsis instance to RMsis v.1.8.10-r355 before upgrading your JIRA instance to JIRA 8.x

RMsis 1.8.9

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-5785: Provide Health and Diagnostics in RMsis- Uniquify jira issues in system.
    • RMI-4646: Prevent plugin update in case of invalid RMsis Licence.
  • Requirements
    • RMI-5574: Add field “Dependents” and “Depends On” such as implemented within Planned Requirements for Unplanned Requirements.
    • RMI-4149: Set Requirement status based on the test case status.
  • Test Cases
    • RMI-5573: Add field "Internal ID"/ "Internal Sources" such as implemented within Requirements for Test-Cases and Test-Steps
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-5777: Column Filter fails to load in traceability if no options are specified for Hierarchical Custom Field.
    • RMI-5700: 500 internal server error was sent upon editing committed requirement.
    • RMI-5677: Test Runs- "From Filter" functionality while creating a copy of Test Run does not work if filter is applied on "Categories" field.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-4288 / RMI-5545 / RMI-4832 : Provide a feature to create Generic Reports - Provide a report with requirements, test cases data/ Create a report displaying requirements with associated test cases and it's status in various Test Runs / Req traceability report
    • RMI-5529 : Show Hierarchy list in order.
    • RMI-5514 : Give an API to access RMsis attachments in 1.8.x
    • RMI-5428 : Provide search/alternative to handle long list while performing bulk operation.
    • RMI-5337 : Provide feature to display images in PDF files exported from RMsis
    • RMI-4577 : Provide a feature to export only selected data in CSV files exported from RMsis
    • RMI-2797 : Provide an API to change Status of Requirement from JIRA
  • Requirements
    • RMI-5520 : Provide a feature to remove assignee from a requirement.
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-5586 : Colours are not displayed for requirement status column in the Traceability view.
    • RMI-5578 : Wrong dialect is being selected for table creation in RMsis
    • RMI-5567 : Bulk Operation : Improve message given to the users 
    • RMI-5529 : Show Hierarchy list in order.
    • RMI-5521 : Reorder custom field options : Save and cancel button are not visible if list is long
    • RMI-5519 : Clicking outside the test case & traceability import window closes it.
    • RMI-5510 : Links are not imported if it was created earlier but the project was deleted and recreated again.
    • RMI-5462/ RMI-5350 : The Column header/ table row displaying column names is transparent for some columns

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-4904 : User-friendly (de-)selection of dependents/dependencies
    • RMI-4903/ RMI-1910 : Filter for empty-fields/ Provide an option "---" in the filter for custom fields of type Single select list.
    • RMI-4772/ RMI-4725/ RMI-4565/ RMI-479 : Add option to freeze the title row in the table view/ Head of table should be frozen/ Column headings should stay visible when scrolling through Requirements, Test Cases etc./ For large tables, the column names are not visible
    • RMI-4143 : Bulk Operations - Edit / Update Relationships
    • RMI-3734 : Closed Story does not turn green
    • RMI-3057 : Discontinue support for Internal/ H2 DB
    • RMI-2145 : Provide a feature to sort and reorder the field options for custom fields.
    • RMI-1806 : Provide Rest API for RMsis access [Available for preview. These API's should not be used in production environment at present]
    • RMI-891 : Consider an option to disable the workflow and let the user configure the Status Options.
  • Releases
    • RMI-5025 : Change behaviour of Sync Releases with JIRA

  • Test Runs / Test Cases
    • RMI-5195 : Test Runs - Provide bulk operation for "Assignee" Field also
    • RMI-3892 : Provide a feature to display state of Test Case in the PDF file exported from Traceability view
    • RMI-4755 : Provide bulk operation for status of test steps in test runs
    • RMI-4754 : Test Cases - Provide bulk operation for fields of type text, rich text, integer, real value, date
    • RMI-4621 : Capability to create a new campaign from another
  • Requirements
    • RMI-5065 : Update view of Depends On/Dependency popup similar to artifact linking popup.
    • RMI-4802 : Provide a feature so that the "Assignee" field is available for requirements even when workflow is not enabled in RMsis
    • RMI-4719 : Include a flag in Planned Requirements Filter to show only the leaf level requirements
    • RMI-4581 : Move planned requirements to unplanned
    • RMI-4546 : Requirement Diff Report
    • RMI-3931 : Provide a feature to view difference between two requirements
    • RMI-977 : Add watchers for Requirements
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-5106 : CSV import fails if the field options are same but cases(lowercase/uppercase) are different.
    • RMI-5062 : “Select all Operation” does not work properly
    • RMI-4948 : Uncommit Baseline - Permission does not exist
    • RMI-4923 : No focus in rich text area popup/ panel
    • RMI-4922 : Cursor is not changed to a hand cursor over the Excel icon in the TestCase page
    • RMI-4921 : Cursor is changed to a hand cursor in the page RMsis Administration/Projects but nothing is clickable
    • RMI-4920 : Cursor is changed to a hand cursor in the page RMSis Administration\Users but nothing is clickable
    • RMI-4918 : Test Steps - Clicking out of the "Action" text field when editing a Test Step closes the text field.
    • RMI-4912 : Project Name is not synced instantly after rename in JIRA
    • RMI-4898 : "Attachments" field is not greyed out for committed requirement
    • RMI-4895 : User Sync Issue - Admin permission is not revoked until next login.
    • RMI-4872 : Requirement Summary is displayed as empty
    • RMI-4774 : External ID field missing in reports
    • RMI-3826 : The reporting column shall be resizable
    • RMI-2699 : Align table header with columns when number of columns in view is increased

Additional Bug Fix and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-5084: Provide feature to securely connect RMsis to a SQL Server 2012 database

    • RMI-5239: Cannot select the project during initial sync project selection

Additional Bug Fix and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-5214 : Columns display/ arrangement is not saved in the Planned Requirements
    • RMI-5202 : Provide compatibility with JIRA 7.9.0
    • RMI-5184 : Search not working in Project Configuration Table
    • RMI-5180 : New users are not added in RMsis

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-5090 : RMsis crashes if existing requirements are updated in MySQL & MS-SQL through CSV import using External-ID 

    • RMI-5072 : Atlassian Marketplace - Error received while uploading RMsis

    • RMI-5086 : PDF reports : data related to custom fields is displayed in a block occupying space of multiple lines

    • RMI-4849 : Disable creation of requirement for a Read Only user via CSV import functionality

    • RMI-4615 : Provide a feature to export link of attached files in the CSV files exported from RMsis

    • RMI-4560 : Ability to save table columns and layout per project

    • RMI-4546 : Requirement Diff Report

  • Test Runs / Test Cases
    • RMI-4574 : Insert Test Run status log in the PDF report of Test Runs.
  • Requirements
    • RMI-5008 : Updated On field is not updated for columns which are not the part of requirement table
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-4997 : Changing Planned Release Dates

    • RMI-4924 : Test Run : Opening test case should open a new tab

    • RMI-4919 : Save button not visible

    • RMI-4916 : Any time you go to traceability tab in RMsis, this message from webpage error pops up.

    • RMI-4836 : Issue status is not updated if bulk delete option is used

    • RMI-4747 : Incorrect spelling of column name is displayed for column Feasibility.

    • RMI-4742 : Character < will be deleted in requ-summary

    • RMI-4721 : Search with no function

    • RMI-4717 : User not found error is generated if user is not active inside RMsis

    • RMI-4706 : Too many logs are generated, even after disabling debugging.

    • RMI-4705 : CSV Import: Import fails if field option is same as one of the existing value under some other parent

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-4849 : Disable creation of requirement for a Read Only user via CSV import functionality
    • RMI-4615 : Provide a feature to export link of attached files in the CSV files exported from RMsis
    • RMI-4560 : Ability to save table columns and layout per project
    • RMI-4553 : Provide a feature to enter equations in RMsis.
    • RMI-4546 : Requirement Diff Report
    • RMI-4626 : Need a comparison feature
  • Test Runs / Test Cases
    • RMI-4574 : Insert Test Run status log in the PDF report of Test Runs.
  • Requirements
    • RMI-5008 : Updated On field is not updated for columns which are not the part of requirement table
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-4997 : Changing Planned Release Dates
    • RMI-4924 : Test Run : Opening test case should open a new tab
    • RMI-4919 : Save button not visible
    • RMI-4916 : Any time you go to traceability tab in RMsis, this message from webpage error pops up.
    • RMI-4836 : Issue status is not updated if bulk delete option is used
    • RMI-4747 : Incorrect spelling of column name is displayed for column Feasibility.
    • RMI-4742 : Character < will be deleted in requ-summary
    • RMI-4721 : Search with no function
    • RMI-4717 : User not found error is generated if user is not active inside RMsis
    • RMI-4706 : Too many logs are generated, even after disabling debugging.
    • RMI-4705 : CSV Import: Import fails if field option is same as one of the existing value under some other parent
  • Known Issues :
    • RMI-5090 : RMsis crashes if existing requirements are updated in MySQL & MS-SQL through CSV import using External-ID.
    • RMI-5072 : Atlassian Marketplace - Error received while uploading RMsis
      • File size of RMsis has crossed the upload limit (104 MB) in Atlassian Marketplace.
      • Due to this issue, we are not able to upload/ release RMsis on Atlassian Marketplace.
    • RMI-5086 : PDF reports : data related to custom fields is displayed in a block occupying space of multiple lines
      • Due to this issue, in PDF files exported from RMsis, the PDF file becomes unnecessarily long.
      • the data corresponding to rich text fields like Description occupy multiple lines/ block of space even if the data is of single line/ no data. 
      • the data corresponding to custom fields occupy multiple lines/ block of space even if the data is of single line/ no data. 

RMsis 1.8.8

Additional Bug Fix - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-4885/ RMI-4869 : Requirement description is not copied for some requirements while upgrade to RMsis Rich Text not visible in

    • RMI-4865 : Search not working while using MSSQL database

    • RMI-4837 : Unable to import Requirements using CSV import

  • Known Issues : 
    • RMI-5090 : RMsis crashes if existing requirements are updated in MySQL & MS-SQL through CSV import using External-ID.

Additional Bug Fix - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-4814 : RMsis Log file fail to rollover in Windows Installations

    • RMI-4799 : JIRA -- Too many Files Open

    • RMI-4828 : rmsis-tomcat.log file is not downloaded when we use "send log files" feature.

  • Known Issue :
    • RMI-4865 : Search not working while using MSSQL database

Additional Bug Fix - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-4741 : MSSQL : Migration from previous version of RMsis fails while upgrading to RMsis

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • RMI-4723 : Support for Jira 7.4
    • RMI-4728 : Files opened by RMsis are not closed.
    • RMI-4708 : Search not working while using MSSQL database
    • RMI-4632 : A summary of the filters shall be visible at the top of the page
    • RMI-4416 : Resize the Associate Window
  • Test Runs / Test Cases
    • RMI-4394 : Provide status summary in the Test Run Screen
    • RMI-4361 : Provide feature to perform bulk operations for test cases/ test steps in Test runs. 
    • RMI-4204 : Provide a feature to search Test Steps in Test case view also 
  • Requirements
    • RMI-3825 : Some Main Fields (Requirement Summary) shall be in rich Text
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-4697 : Problem creating new unplanned requirement/ saving unplanned requirement summary
    • RMI-4693 : Status field of planned requirement is affected by permission related to unplanned requirements.
    • RMI-4687 : RMSis Module "rmsis-view-links" creating an excessive amount of requests
    • RMI-4683 : CSV Import: Requirements get committed upon import.
    • RMI-4656 : Behaviour of Single Select list is not consistent in Activity Tab for Requirements
    • RMI-4395 : Quickly clicking on second TS sets a wrong status
    • RMI-1387 : It's hard to click the expand button without accidentally editing the group requirement summary

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • Validated with JIRA 7.3.6
    • RMI-2935 : Make search in RMsis as case insensitive
  • Test Runs 
    • RMI-4407 : Automatically calculate TC value after TS screen is closed.
    • RMI-4396 : Allow user to attach a file / link to a TS without entering actual result OR status
    • RMI-4214 : Edit the title of TS Window
  • Admin
    • RMI-4367 : Provide a feature to monitor user access to RMsis (check last access information)
    • RMI-4611 : Extend search in users table to other fields
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-4634 : Custom ID index breaks upon requirement export.
    • RMI-4604 : Teststeps dialog for input of the result placement wrong
    • RMI-4417 : Test Step window error
    • RMI-3801 : Improve search in RMsis so that text in custom field can be searched without adding the search term "CF:"

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.8-r301 


  • System
    • Validated with JIRA 7.3.2
    • RMI-4471 : Provide a feature to trace/ track creation/ deletion of requirements/ test cases
  • Requirements
    • RMI-4526 : Enhancement of Baseline Functions for 1.8.x series
  • Test Cases 
    • RMI-4215 : Highlight Test case if its test steps are edited/ opened.
  • Test Runs 
    • RMI-4260 : Add search feature to drop-down menu of Associated with Release, when creating new test run
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-4580 : Issue with scrolling the list of filters 
    • RMI-4558 : Problem saving new requirement summary
    • RMI-4533 : The counter at the bottom of Users page in RMsis does not display correct data
    • RMI-4525 : Activity Tab Dates - Dates shown in Activity tab in RMsis doesnt include year, also the sorting gets incorrect due to absence of year
    • RMI-4210 : Counter is not updated upon CSV import leading to creation of requirements with duplicate ID
    • RMI-3313 : An error occurs if we try to edit 2 requirements in two different tabs in browser

RMsis 1.8.7 

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • Requirements
    • RMI-4446 : Display Full Name instead of username in comments (when configured).
    • RMI-3743 : Provide feature to export comments when a requirement is exported from one project to another.
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-4477 : Errors in Tracking Report.
    • RMI-4458 : Confluence Plugin: Issue while fetching requirements created via confluence
    • RMI-4454 : RMsis links are not visible in the JIRA details when browsed inside JIRA search results
    • RMI-4395 : Quickly clicking on second TS sets a wrong status
    • RMI-4194 : Wrong error message displayed in Reporting view in RMsis
    • RMI-3468 : Test run : the test step window is scrolled to the top (first test step) if we change the status of a test step
    • RMI-3268 : Improve documentation regarding Branching of versioned requirements

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.7-r299

  • Requirements
    • RMI-4145 : Provide feature to copy External/ Internal Source, comments to new version of a requirement
    • RMI-4142 : Copy links to latest version
    • RMI-4141 : Move links to latest version
  • Traceability
    • RMI-4131 : Traceability View: Can't add "Depends On" if a requirement is committed/ baselined
    • RMI-4121 : Remove links to JIRA cases or depends on/dependents links from requirements
    • RMI-3549 : Provide feature to update the existing relationships in Traceability view by CSV import
  • Import / Export using CSV
    • RMI-4080 / RMI-1970 : Importing externally managed requirements into RMsis using External-ID as reference.
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-4193 : Test Run Report generation failure due to 2000+ arguments in Microsoft SQL Server.
    • RMI-4217 : Test case's search box feature doesn't work in IE 9 for multibyte characters
    • RMI-4092 : Server settings are not updated if Blank key alias is being used

RMsis 1.8.6

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • Key Fixes
    •  RMI-4077 : Test Case, Test step, Test run : Name of some columns is not displayed in PDF files exported from RMsis.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.6-r297

  • Requirements
    • RMI-4045 : Unlink all links to old version of a requirements.
  • Validation
    • RMI-4035 / RMI-3935 : Teststeps are added to the Test Case Detail & History Window
  • Reports
    • RMI-3837 : Provide a tracking report in RMsis
  • Import / Export
    • RMI-3864 : Export a column displaying number of attachments in the CSV file exported from RMsis
    • RMI-3763 : Improvements in CSV exported from RMsis
    • RMI-3744 : Provide feature to display number of attachments in the PDF file
  • System
    • Validated with JIRA 7.2 EAP
    • RMI-3985 : Provide a feature to scroll up/ down on list menu (field options list)
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-4118 : Description of Committed/ Baselined requirements is not displayed in the detailed view of requirement. 
    • RMI-4077 : Test Case, Test step, Test run : Name of some columns is not displayed in PDF files exported from RMsis.
    • RMI-4016 : The comments are not displayed entirely when we try to edit them
    • RMI-4015 : While adding a new comment, the previous comment is not displayed completely and is truncated
    • RMI-4014 : Comments are not displayed completely and are truncated.
    • RMI-4002 : Test Runs : Can not change status of test steps
    • RMI-4000 : Test Case: the test step window is scrolled to the top (first test step) if we edit a test step at bottom or in middle of the test steps table
    • RMI-3996 : Fix Project Management description in documentation
    • RMI-3993 : In the Test Runs, bug can not be linked to other projects;and When Linked bug was transferred to other projects, you can not remove the association
    • RMI-3992 : Title of mail notification garbled in East Asian character portion
    • RMI-3980 : CSV Export - deleted comments
    • RMI-3976 : PDF export - no multi lines in text fields
    • RMI-3970 : Duplicate requirements get created in firefox
    • RMI-3942 : Cannot import test Steps > 255 char
    •  RMI-3878 : Traceability: UI is not updated if test case is unlinked
    • RMI-3768 : Wrong positioning of Rich text area cell/ panel
    • RMI-3767 : A blank panel/text box is displayed when a cell of type rich text area (custom field) is opened up
    • RMI-3766 : Text of some other cell is displayed in custom field of type "Rich Text area"
    • RMI-3161 : Issue with fields of type "Rich Text Area"
    • RMI-2436 : Increase the default field limit of fields like TS- Action from 255 chars.
  • Important note
    • For better compliance with JIRA issue page layout, we have shifted the RMsis entity links to the bottom-right side of issues page - [view].
  • Known Issues
    • RMI-4001 : Test Runs : Jittering of screen happens when we click on the Status column in Test Step window
      • This issue is partially fixed.
      • It is known to occur in IE -11 with low resolution screens.
    • RMI-4117 : For IE-9, RMsis links are not visible in JIRA issue page
      • This is specific to IE-9 and related to a JIRA issue.
    • RMI-3893 / RMI-3886 : JS error with JIRA 7.0.x
      • To solve this problem, please upgrade to JIRA 7.1.x or later versions

RMsis 1.8.3

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-3873 / RMI-3875 : Data error is displayed upon opening the window to link issues in Traceability Tab.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • System
    • Support for JIRA 7.1.2
  • Export Import
    • RMI-3816 : Export the name of attachments in CSV file exported from RMsis
    • RMI-2668 : Export URL / Links of attachments in CSV file.
  • Admin
    • RMI-3720 : Provide a feature so that new project created in JIRA are not automatically activated in RMsis.
    • RMI-2610 : Provide a filter to display only active users in RMsis.
  • Performance improvement
    • Optimize the data table update time, when the number of users in JIRA is large (more than 1000)
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-3862 : CSV Import: Options for Hierarchical field are not re-created properly if number of level is more than 2
    • RMI-3860 : RMsis prevents issue details to be displayed in jira 7.1.2 search window. 
    • RMI-3835 : Update CSV export error message.
    • RMI-3834 : Clicking on CSV export button twice leads to complete failure. At-least one should complete.
    • RMI-3804 / RMI-3799 : Confluence Plugin: RMsis reports invalid project key if a project is deleted and recreated with same key.
    • RMI-3800 : Optimize user related queries in requirement,traceability,artifact & testrun page.
    • RMI-3782 : No error message is displayed upon CSV export failure if too many requests are present.
    • RMI-3775 : Not able to export to CSV file from Requirements or Traceability Tabs.
    • RMI-3773 : Test Step is not deletable if the test case is copied or exported to another project
    • RMI-3738 : CSV export fails and remains in deadlock if concurrent requests are made to RMsis
    • RMI-3407 : Provide PDF report of Traceability table as present in earlier versions of RMsis
    • RMI-2960 : Provide feature to display full name in assignee column.
  • Known issues
    • RMI-3873 : After upgrading to RMsis, "data error" is displayed while linking JIRA Issues with requirements.
      • We will fix this at high priority and try to make a followup release as early as possible.
      • If you are upgrading or planning to install on a production system, our advise will be to wait for Release

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • Key fixes 
    • RMI-3793 : Support for JIRA 7.1
  • Known issues 
    • RMI-3860 : RMsis prevents issue details to be displayed in jira 7.1.2 search window.
      • We will fix this at high priority in the next minor release.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • Key fixes
    • RMI-3663 : Reporter is not updated on creating a duplicate of a requirement
    • RMI-3646 : Migration failure to RMsis - One customer has reported migration failure with MySQL 4 byte invalid character, when configured for UTF8.
    • RMI-3264 : Remove limit of 255 chars in Text Fields.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • Requirements
    • Functional changes in Create JIRA Issue, due to changes in Issue Type Scheme.
  • Test Runs
    • Functional changes in Log Issues, due to changes in Issue Type Scheme.
  • System
    • Support for JIRA 7
  • Key fixes
    • RMI-3614 : Files exported from RMsis (attachments) do not have a name, when Chinese characters are used.
    • RMI-3613 : RMsis does not work after upgrading from RMsis to RMsis
    • RMI-3611 : A user with Project Manager role cant delete project specific custom fields.
    • RMI-3610 : In Test Runs, issues created using Log Issues functionality are not visible in JIRA as well as RMsis
    • RMI-3576 : Provide compatibility with JIRA 7 
    • RMI-3161 : Issue with fields of type "Rich Text Area"
  •  Known limitations in MySQL  
    • MySQL database only supports 3 byte UTF8 characters if the default 'utf8' character set is chosen.

    • For 4byte UTF8 support, 'utf8mb4' character set needs to be chosen in MySQL. However, 'utf8mb4' character set is not supported by RMsis at present.

    • This issue is logged as RMI-3474 in our CRM. 

    • Due to this issue, you may experience unexpected behavior and/or failure to access RMsis if an invalid 4 byte UTF8 character is entered in a field in RMsis.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • Key fixes
    • RMI-3547 : Retain Rich Text configuration option and character translation do not apply to custom fields.
    • RMI-3544 / RMI-3545 : Special characters are not correctly handled during export
    • RMI-3525 / RMI-3515 / RMI-3206 / RMI-2772 : Some UTF-8 characters are exported as HTML special characters in csv export.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.3-r285 [Beta 3]

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.3-r284 [Beta 2]

  • Key fixes
    • RMI-3547 : Retain Rich Text configuration option and character translation do not apply to custom fields. 
    • RMI-3525 / RMI-3515 / RMI-3206 / RMI-2772 : Some UTF-8 characters are exported as HTML special characters in csv export.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.3-r283 [Beta 1]

  • Traceability / Reverse Traceability
    • Mechanism to display relationships and connected entities in the context of an entity. This should simplify impact analysis.
    • Functionality provided for Quick Linking in Traceability and Reverse Traceability tabs, where user can type in the complete entity-id and link to another entity.
  • Search and Filters
    • Extended search to Description / Text / Rich Text Fields
  • User management
    • For assignee and reporter fields,
      • the user lists are enhanced for restricted access plus visual enhancements
      • and filters provided for deleted and inactive users.
    • Fixed many bugs related to duplicate / user name change in JIRA.
  • Test cases and Test runs
    • Added additional info to issues logged against failed test cases
  • CSV import and export
    • Fixed key alias related bugs
  • JIRA Sync
    • Fixed error conditions in Project and User sync.
    • For large installations, the initial sync time is very large and users trying to login were getting blank screen. Fixed this with a message.
  • System
    • Fixed many bugs related to Rich Text Area
  • Confluence plugin
    • Fixed the data limitations in Confluence Plugin.
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-3494 : Test Runs : Test steps - attachment linked/ entered using the "TR attachments" field is lost on closing the panel
    • RMI-3475 : Increase the permissible character limit of links that can be saved in the attachments column
    • RMI-3455 : Improve user experience for RMsis access till JIRA synchronization is complete
    • RMI-3454 : Linked TestCases and Requirements not visible in JIRA after username rename
    • RMI-3440 : User not found in RMsis
    • RMI-3392 : Extend reverse traceability report
    • RMI-3384 : Link hierarchy view.
    • RMI-3377 : Provide a feature in Traceability tab to trace links of JIRA entities
    • RMI-3364 : If project sync gets interrupted in between, it gets skipped upon restart and issue sync fails in mid.
    • RMI-3363 : The date displayed in "Activity" tab for imported requirements is incorrect.
    • RMI-3360 : getting blank screen after installing 1.8.3-r275
    • RMI-3356 : Issue with Filters
    • RMI-3350 : Data corresponding to Custom Issue type, categories field is not exported by RMsis Traceability Macro
    • RMI-3345 : If project description is changed in JIRA, the change is not updated in RMsis
    • RMI-3332 : Blank Test Steps are created for Test Cases.
    • RMI-3323 : CSV export error: Selection of a parent requirement then it's export returns "could not resolve view error".
    • RMI-3304 : Categories can not be updated from detailed view of requirement.
    • RMI-3276 : All the users are displayed in the dropdown to apply filter on Assignee Column in planned requirements table
    • RMI-3220 : CSV import (Traceability using key alias) : Relationships of requirements with requirements of other project are not imported.
    • RMI-3196 : Reporting : Error is displayed
    • RMI-3189 : Notifications in RMsis should be visible even if we have scrolled to the bottom
    • RMI-3158 : Add additional info to issues logged against failed test cases
    • RMI-3098 : The configuration details should be logged in the log files.
    • RMI-3097 : Issues with RMsis Plugin for Confluence
    • RMI-3095 : Extend search to Description / Text / Rich Text Fields
    • RMI-3056 : Provide feature to include hyperlink to attached document in exported PDF file
    • RMI-3022 : Disabled, Deleted user can be set as "Assignee" in Planned Requirements
    • RMI-3014 : Support for Multilevel Traceability
    • RMI-2938 : Provide feature to see traceability view in a diagram
    • RMI-2864 : Could not resolve view error upon Requirements CSV Export.
    • RMI-2823 : Provide quick link feature in the Reverse Traceability tab
    • RMI-2800 : Fix detailed view of Requirement
    • RMI-2601 : Filter : on creating a differential filter, the newly created filter does not perform as expected.
    • RMI-2327 : Simplify data entry mechanism for relationships.
    • RMI-1947 / RMI-3094 : Enhance Traceability view and allow user to explore the context of entities.
    • RMI-1522 : Create Requirement dependency based view.
    • RMI-1097 : Quick Linking

RMsis 1.8.2

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.

  • Project Configuration
    • Added a Reset Sync button to force re-synchronization of Issues for a Project.
  • Hotfix
    • RMI-3324 : If RMsis - JIRA sync stops / breaks due to some reason (Deadlock / Timeout), then a set of JIRA Issues are not synchronized with RMsis.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.2-r267

  • System
    • Support for MS SQL Server 2012.
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-3245 : If MS-SQL is used as a Database, migration from RMsis 1.7.8 to RMsis 1.8.1 fails due to a bug in driver.
    • RMI-3244 : Support for SQL Server 2012
    • RMI-3232 : Confluence Plugin: Test Case List macro returns error if Test Steps column is not present in the filter being accessed.
    • RMI-3220 : CSV import (Traceability using key alias) : Relationships of requirements with requirements of other project are not imported.
    • RMI-3183 : Users may get permission denied error in case of long running operations involving multiple projects.
    • RMI-3172 : Traceability tab "Access Denied" is displayed in "Linked Artifacts" column.
    • RMI-3169 : CSV Import fails after importing few rows when links belongs to multiple projects.
    • RMI-3157 : Requirements become read only, requires page reload to be able to edit again.
    • RMI-3150 / RMI-3122 : Emails blocked by some mail servers, since "from" field is not set by RMsis. 
    • RMI-2186 : Issue with rich text area in IE 11

RMsis 1.8.1

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.1-r266

  • Requirements
    • Provide feature to display number of requirements shown in the requirements view.
  • Test Cases
    • Improved mechanism for associating Test Cases with Test Runs.
  • Admin
    • Add active/inactive filter to User management UI of RMsis
  • System
    • Support for Oracle 11G and later versions
    • Support for Java 1.8
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-3055 : Issue while upgrading RMsis 1.7.8 to RMsis 1.8.0-r265 while using H2 database
    • RMI-3016 : If we make changes to any saved filter, the changes are not saved.
    • RMI-3000 : Oracle: "JDBC rollback failed" for multiple type of requests
    • RMI-2999 : Oracle: Data error in loading requirements and traceability
    • RMI-2993 / RMI-3166 : Provide feature to display number of requirements shown in the requirements view.
    • RMI-2977 : Sync breaks while using Oracle
    • RMI-2975 : Add active/inactive filter to User management UI of RMsis
    • RMI-2948 / RMI-2954 : Not possible to search for reporter while applying filter inside traceability.
    • RMI-2923 : Test run : PDF report displays "Test step Action" twice
    • RMI-484 / RMI-2359 / RMI-2680 : Support for Oracle
  • Support withdrawn  
    • Java 1.6
  •  Known Issues / Pending Fixes
    • RMI-3245 : If MS-SQL is used as a Database, migration from RMsis 1.7.8 to RMsis 1.8.1 fails due to a bug in driver.
    • RMI-3183 : Users may get permission denied error in case of long running operations involving multiple projects.
      • This typically happens when a user initiates a concurrent request, while another request involving multiple projects is currently being executed from the same session.
      • This can typically happen when user is importing links to multiple projects. Such cases can be prevented by not performing any operations from the same user session, while import is running.
    • RMI-3150 / RMI-3122 : Emails blocked by some mail servers, since "from" field is not set by RMsis.

RMsis 1.8.0

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.0-r265 [RC]

  • System
    • RMI-2987 : Publish performance characteristics.
    • RMI-2967 : Test RMsis for concurrency for all supported Databases.
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-3013 : Create documentation for Hierarchical Fields in Requirements
    • RMI-3012 : Custom Reports - Provide feature to apply filter on custom fields of type "JIRA Data"
    • RMI-3011 : JIRA Sync: Lock wait timeout error while initializing RMsis
    • RMI-3002 : Error in linking Requirements across projects via CSV import
    • RMI-2997 : Values of custom field of type "JIRA Data" are not displayed in detailed view of Requirements / Test Cases.
    • RMI-2995 : Error in synchronizing issues with JIRA, when multiple threads are running.
    • RMI-2980 : Incorrect filtering in Reverse Traceability view.
    • RMI-2972 : Custom Fields added by RMsis plugin are not visible in the details view on the Issue Navigator.
    • RMI-2971 : Deadlocks in MS SQL during initial sync in multi threaded scenario.
    • RMI-2968 : Ensure unique User ID, even if the names are duplicated.
    • RMI-2953 : JIRA Sync error, some entities are not updated.
    • RMI-2946 : Sync process during initialization is running very slow for MS SQL
    • RMI-2940 / RMI-2943 : In rare cases and for large data import, Requirements and Test Cases with duplicate ID's are created.
    • RMI-2866 : Issue in sending mail while change of state.
    • RMI-2855 : User is not able to access RMsis after name change.
  • Known Issues / Pending Fixes
    • RMI-3055 : For H2 / Internal Database, upgrade from 1.7.8 to 1.8.0 fails due to a bug in migration.
      • Suggested resolution is provided at
      • Users deploying RMsis are advised to deploy RMsis using an external Database, since H2 support will be discontinued in near future.
      • For existing users, we will give a migration option.
    • RMI-3018 : A file using "key alias" can be imported only once in a RMsis instance. Importing for the second time in a different project will lead to additional (undesirable) links to the entities created in previous import.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.0-r261 [Beta 2]

This version has performance issues with MS SQL Server. So users are advised not to deploy this version, if they are using SQL Server.

  • System
    • Sanity test for Oracle Support.
    • TLS 1.2 support in Tomcat embedded with RMsis.
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-1994 : Traceability error while using Oracle.
    • RMI-2889 : Requirement CF linked with Jira and JIRA CF populated during creation.
    • RMI-2892 / RMI-2890 : TLS 1.2 support in Tomcat embedded with RMsis.
    • RMI-2896 : Unable to send mail from RMsis
    • RMI-2918 : Not able to access RMsis when installing RMsis with a new database
    • RMI-2925 : We cannot enter JIRA Issue ID in custom field of type "JIRA Special field"
    • RMI-2929 : Issue with sorting on column "JIRA Reference" in Reverse Traceability tab
  • Known Issues / Pending Fixes
    • RMI-2946 : Sync process during initialization is running very slow for MS SQL.
    • RMI-2940 / RMI-2943 : In rare cases and for large data import, Requirements and Test Cases with duplicate ID's are created.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.0-r260 [Beta 1]

Focus of this release was on Concurrency and Stress testing of the system with an objective to achieve predictable performance. 

  • Requirements
    • Added buttons to the scroll, so as to enable the user to display Top / Bottom of table with one click in the Planned Requirements Table.
    • Include Internal / External sources to the Bulk operations.
    • Add reporter field to the Planned Table.
  • Traceability
    • Show status of Depends on / Dependents in Traceability View.
  • System
    • Addition of BOM(Byte Order Mark) at the beginning of the csv file to indicate file encoding
    • Shift the check box which appears in panel to link entities with requirements/ test cases to LHS
  • Key Fixes
    • RMI-2540 : Update documentation for Running RMsis on HTTPS / SSL
    • RMI-2719 : Test steps : Focus of the window is reset to original position on updating any field
    • RMI-2734 : Access Denied Error during Indentation (with concurrent operations)
    • RMI-2752 : Provide feature to show data without truncation in Reporting, specific reports, release summary report
    • RMI-2772 : If "Retain Rich Text output in exported csv column values" is enabled then while exporting CSV file, "&nbsp" appears in place of space.
    • RMI-2773 : If a requirement is assigned to a Baseline, we should not allow uncommit/deletion of such requirement.
    • RMI-2779 : Optimize UI response for data sync time
    • RMI-2787 : Ensure that the exports work within system constraints
    • RMI-2788 : Add reporter field to Planned Requirements & Traceability Tables alongwith filters.
    • RMI-2808 : Shift the check box which appears in panel to link entities with requirements/ test cases to LHS
    • RMI-2810 : Improve the initial sync up time of JIRA Issues.
    • RMI-2814 : JDBC exception in Custom Reports with 50K entities
    • RMI-2820 : Addition of BOM(Byte Order Mark) at the beginning of the csv file to indicate file encoding
    • RMI-2828 : Concurrent request to create Requirement fails in project with 25k requirements
    • RMI-2834 : Concurrent Create JIRA Issue(s) of a different requirements of a single project results into deadlock error
    • RMI-2835 : Concurrent request to delete different requirements of a single project results in Lock wait timeout error
    • RMI-2836 / RMI-2837 : Concurrent request to indent / outdent different requirements of a single project results in Lock wait timeout error
    • RMI-2838 : Upon concurrent request to create requirements, two of the requirements got the same ID
    • RMI-2839 : Concurrent request to create Test Case at top fails in project with 25k test cases
    • RMI-2852 : Deadlock with ChangeGroup table
    • RMI-2865 : Export to another project preview creates lock/unlock error
    • RMI-2868 : Project not visible in select project dropdown

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.8.0-r256 [Alpha]

  • Requirements
    • Replace Planned Requirements Table with a Scroll Table which can hold large number of requirements.
    • Add an administrative function to make committed Requirements editable.
    • Provide customizable but readonly Custom-ID column for Requirements.
  • Traceability
    • Replace Traceability Table with a Scroll Table, which can hold large number of rows.
    • Extend Traceability Table to include all attributes of Requirements.
  • Reverse Traceability
    • Provide filter "Linked with Test case" & "Linked with Requirement" in Reverse Traceability tab in RMsis.
    • Provide option in Reverse Traceability to list entities, which are not assigned to any version.
  • Test Cases
    • Export Test Cases to another Project.
    • Add an administrative function to make committed Test Cases editable.
  • Import / Export
    • Optimization of CSV import for time and memory.
  • Admin
    • Should be able to configure a user as ADMIN in RMsis who is not in JIRA-ADMINISTRATOR group
  • System : This impacts all the critical functions on the following dimensions.
    • Memory optimizations to prevent possibility of "out of memory" errors.
    • Improvement in server side responsiveness for large collection of entities.
    • Added capability on the browser to handle display of large collection of entities.
  •  Key Fixes
    • RMI-950 : CSV Importer must ignore null records on required columns.
    • RMI-964 : Add Export Feature for Test Cases
    • RMI-1032 : Provide configurable / user defined ID's for Requirements
    • RMI-1185 : Benchmark and fix, client side performance issue for large projects.
    • RMI-1288 : Performance issues with large data set
    • RMI-1296 / RMI-1312 / RMI-1313 / RMI-2506 : Fix the issues with Bulk Operations
    • RMI-1452 : Test for JVM Memory Size
    • RMI-1769 : Jira 6 - Multiple users are created if username is edited in JIRA.
    • RMI-1884 : When we apply a saved filter, it takes a lot of time for the planned requirements table to load.
    • RMI-1902 : Provide an option to limit the height of Planned Requirements Table
    • RMI-1903 : Implement the large data handling capability in Traceability Tab
    • RMI-1904 / RMI-1931 / RMI-2234 : Optimize the UI for long lists.
    • RMI-2398 : Need an option in Reverse Traceability to list entities, which are not assigned to any version.
    • RMI-2504 : Dependency Management : Optimize CDC for performance
    • RMI-2505 : Optimize Indent / Outdent for performance
    • RMI-2507 / RMI-2531 : Optimize Import / Export for memory, performance and large data handling capability.
    • RMI-2510 : Provide a drop down menu in Test runs tab to select Release.
    • RMI-2522 : Update documentation for reverse proxy.
    • RMI-2525 : Optimize Planned Requirement subset fetch algorithm.
    • RMI-2532 : Error in upgrade after license upgrade due to inconsistent RMsis database state with respect to JIRA
    • RMI-2565 : Provide filter "Linked with Test case" & "Linked with Requirement" in Reverse Traceability tab in RMsis.
    • RMI-2573 : Traceability tab takes time to load.
    • RMI-2590 : Traceability : CSV import button does not work in IE
    • RMI-2612 : Provide "Category" column in Traceability tab
    • RMI-2619 : While importing requirements via CSV import (with indentation), the time taken is too long/ timeout occurs
    • RMI-2639 : Provide feature to make Requirement tab fields (like due date) visible in Traceability tab also
    • RMI-2640 : Ordering of custom fields is not saved.
    • RMI-2653 / RMI-2692 : Provide a feature to add a user as admin in RMsis who is not in JIRA-ADMINISTRATOR group
    • RMI-2656 : Issues which exists before installing RMsis are not synchronized till we click on Reverse Traceability tab
    • RMI-2659 / RMI-2664 : Planned Requirements : Assignee field is not updated
    • RMI-2660 : Test Run : Assignee field is not updated
    • RMI-2672 : Assignee field is not imported using CSV import.
    • RMI-2687 : Extending traceability with Requirements Attributes.
  • Known Issues / Pending fixes
    • Optimize PDF generation for Memory.
    • Optimize Custom Reports for Memory.
    • RMI-2720 : If an Admin is migrating user in RMsis (and the RMsis entities belonging to the user) to a new user, then the admin should ensure that the roles of current user are also assigned to new user. RMsis does not make this check in this version.

RMsis 1.7.8

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.8-r206

  • System
    • Replaced the API's deprecated in JIRA-6.
    • Logging related issues have been fixed across the system.
  • Key fixes
    • RMI-2138 / RMI-2520 : Eliminate redundant OR extra (which are not required) calls made to JIRA Server
    • RMI-2401 / RMI-2635 / RMI-2637 : Cleanup RMsis logs and prevent logging of unnecessary details
    • RMI-2570 : When exporting a PDF file, retain the sort order as applied in RMsis.
    • RMI-2571 : Error while using "Indentation Level" during CSV import of requirements.
    • RMI-2590 : Traceability : CSV import button does not work in IE.
    • RMI-2640 : Ordering of custom fields is not saved.
    • RMI-2647 : Linked TestCases and Requirements not visible in JIRA after username rename.
    • RMI-2700 : Planned Requirements : Assignee field is not imported using CSV import
    • RMI-2701 : Issue with indent- outdent using CSV import
  • Known Issues 
    • RMI-2720 : If an Admin is migrating user in RMsis (and the RMsis entities belonging to the user) to a new user, then the admin should ensure that the roles of current user are also assigned to new user. RMsis does not make this check in this version.

RMsis 1.7.7

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.7-r205 [Update 2]

  • Key fixes
    • RMI-2559 / RMI-2561 : Hierarchy and ordering errors with CSV import of Planned Requirements.
    • RMI-2563 : Fixes RMsis page, when JIRA page contains an iFrame in it's DOM.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.7-r203

  • Requirements
    • Given an option to the user to Copy | Not Copy Dependencies and Links, when copy / version is created
    • Option to reset the columns view to default.
    • Assessment fields (Priority, Criticality, Feasibility, and Technical Risk) are now available in unplanned requirements table.
  • Release Summary
    • Release summary now displays the linked artifacts as well. This resolves many ambiguities in the table.
  • Test Cases
    • Given an option to the user to Copy | Not Copy Dependencies and Links, when copy / version is created.
  • Import / Export
    • CSV export in Traceability, now includes Requirement Summary.
  • Administration
    • Option to delete custom fields, even if they contain some data.
  • System
    • Optimized browser side performance for Planned Requirement Table.
    • RMsis is tested with MSSQL Named instance and Dynamic Port.
  • Key fixes
    • RMI-2481 : JDBC Batch update exception during installation / migration (under rare conditions).
    • RMI-2464 : Performance Issues with Named Filter
    • RMI-2439 : Fix error in log of TC-TR association.
    • RMI-2399 : Check for cases, where deleted entity is linked with existing entities of RMsis (concurrency issue).

RMsis 1.7.6


  • Bug RMI-2481 : Some users may get JDBC exception during Installation / Migration of RMsis 1.7.6.
  • Due to this bug, some users may not be able to login into RMsis.
  • This will be fixed in RMsis 1.7.7 and we are trying to release 1.7.7 as soon as possible.
  • Meanwhile, our recommendation is as follows:
    • If you get an exception while migrating to 1.7.6, please roll back your installation to your previous version.
    • If you are trying out RMsis for the first time, please install RMsis 1.7.5 and later on migrate to RMsis 1.7.7.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.6-r202

  • Requirements
    • Add flexibility to specify relationships, when a Requirement / TC is committed.
    • Requirement Hierarchy can now be exported and imported across installations
  • Traceability
    • Traceability information can be Exported / Imported using CSV files
    • Ability to map traceability information across installations using Alias / old ID's
  • Release
    • Added a Release Details Page under the Release Tab.
  • Test Cases
    • Provision to import Test Case Relationships - links and dependencies.
  • Data Export Import
    • Support for Export and Import of RMsis entities (using CSV format) across installations.
  • System
    • Support for JIRA 6.2.
    • Extensive validation on JAVA 7.
  • Key fixes
    • RMI-2360 : Fix for NULL values, incorrectly inserted in database, under certain conditions.
    • RMI-2331 : Added checks for concurrent deletion of entities, while creating relationships.
    • RMI-1771 : Multiple requirements are created by mouse click outside the panel.

RMsis 1.7.5

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.5-r201

  • System
    • Support for MariaDB.
    • Bypass Reverse Proxy and establish direct connection between RMsis and JIRA.
    • Implemented measures to ensure that Javascript is always loaded on slow networks.
    • Tested with JIRA 6.2 EAP.
  • Key fixes
    • RMI-2019 : Performance issue with large number of users configured in JIRA.

RMsis 1.7.1

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.1-r200

  • Key fixes
    • RMI-2204 : Migration error while migrating to RMsis 1.7.1-r.198 / 1.7.1-r.199 and when using MS SQL Server

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.1-r199

  • Key fixes
    • RMI-2168 : RMsis has been validated on Windows Server 2012
    • RMI-2136 : Multiselect options provided for Project Administration.
    • RMI-2133 : Mechanism provided to pass extra parameter to JVM on which RMsis is running.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.1-r198

  • Key bug fixes
    • RMI-2134 : RMsis installer creates a directory at wrong location. This leads to installation failure in some cases.
    • RMI-2130 : Notes inserted to inform user about the issues related to mixed use of HTTP and HTTPS.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.1-r197

  • Minor bug fixes

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.1-r183

  • System
    • Enhanced keyboard functions for accessibility support
  • Minor bug fixes

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.1-r177

  • Minor bug fixes

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.1-r168

  • Requirements
    • Baselines can now be edited / deleted and the corresponding user action is logged.
    • Comments can now be edited / deleted.
  • Test Runs
    • Comments can now be edited / deleted.
  • Import / Export 
    • While importing custom field data, the field options can be created.
  • Reporting
    • Specific Reports
      • Now, the status in Test Run Regression Report is color coded.
  • System
    • Unique constraints introduced in most tables to prevent duplication of entities. There were few such cases reported, due to multiple events generated on front end (browser).

Functions withdrawn RMsis v.1.7.1-r168

  • Requirements
    • The options Add Requirements Above & Add Requirements Below were found to be redundant in the unplanned Requirements. They have been removed.

RMsis V.1.7.0

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.0-r157

  • Major bug fixes.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.0-r150

  • Key Bug Fixes
    • RMI-1720 : Panel misbehavior prevented indentation in IE-9 and Chrome latest. The workaround is extended to cover all possible cases.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.0-r147

  • System
    • JIRA 6 Support
  • Key Bug Fixes
    • RMI-1695 : Rich Text formatting caused exception during PDF generation.
    • RMI-1720 : Panel misbehavior prevented indentation in IE-9 and Chrome latest. This issue is rarely observed and we are unable to simulate the same... provided a workaround for the time being.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.0-r143

  • Test Cases
    • Test Step descriptions now accept <CR><LF> to enable entry of information in multiple lines.

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.0-r131

  • Requirements
    • The Requirement List Panels, now include the Column Selection Tool. This functionality is available for Reverse Traceability, Requirement Panel shown in Jira Issue, Test Case Tab and Dependency Columns.
  • Traceability
    • Requirement Dependencies are shown in the Traceability Tab.
    • The external links / set of documents against Requirements are included in Traceability View.
  • Custom Fields
    • Custom fields (both for Requirements and Test Cases) can now be declared editable OR Non Editable, when an Entity is committed.
  • Mail
    • Secure SMTP support is available for mails.
    • Test Mail Functionality added (to check that mail configuration works).

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.7.0-r121

  • Requirements
    • Custom fields now include a Hierarchical Classification mechanism.
    • User can now create Issues across projects, by turning on a configurable option in Global Configuration.
      • Type of issue can be configured.
      • A prefix to the issue can be specified.
      • The exported issue contains a link to Requirement, rather than the description.
    • User can now create Blank Test Cases in bulk using Requirement multi-select option.
    • Option to create a duplicate requirement (integrated copy-paste operation).
    • System gives a warning, when converting a Requirement to Container.
    • Delete external source.
    • Show last modified date.
    • Export unplanned requirements.
    • Show requirement source in the main table.
    • Mechanism to show all comments.
    • Print log of Requirements.
  • Test Cases and Test Runs
    • Test Case tab has a new Table with Test Summary Report.
    • Custom fields now include a Hierarchical Classification mechanism.
    • Test Steps are incorporated into Test Cases.
    • Rules based mechanism to automatically compute status of Test Cases from Test Steps
    • Provision to attach images to Test Cases and Test Steps.
    • Provision to commit Test Cases with Test Run.
    • Assign TC + TR to a specific tester.
    • Add comment field in a Test Run.
  • Reports
    • Test Regression Report included.
  • CSV Import & Export
    • Record create and update functionality has been merged for CSV import.
    • Export comments into csv file.
  • Project Configuration
    • All project specific attributes can be configured on this tab.
  • System Configuration
    • System provides an option to migrate data, when a Custom Field / Custom Field Option is deleted.
    • Provide a mechanism to sort user list.
    • User should be able to select the projects which use RMsis.
    • Show real names of users.
  • Filters and Global Functions
    • Provide ability to sort in non-hierarchical tables.
    • Revamped Rich Text Editor.
  • System
    • Validation with Postgres 8.4.0 onwards.

RMsis V.1.6.8

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.6.8-r107

  • Fixed a bug, which prevented import of custom field data in Test Cases [RMI-1401].
  • Minor bug fixes.

RMsis V.1.6.7

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.6.7-r106

  • Minor bug fixes.

RMsis V.1.6.6

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.6.6-r104

  • Minor bug fixes.

RMsis V.1.6.5

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.6.5-r103

  • Requirements
    • Usability fixes related to bulk operations in Planned Requirement Table.
  • Reported bug fixes.
  • System
    • Removed size constraints with SQL-Server.

RMsis V.1.6.4

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.6.4-r101

  • Categories panel is now wider and can effectively handle more number of characters.
  • System
    • From JIRA 5.0 onwards, sometimes JIRA fails to register RMsis listener. This issue is addressed in this release.

RMsis V.1.6.3

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.6.3-r99

  • Search and Filters
    • Named filters are now available in Main Tables of each RMsis Tab.
  • System
    • This version fixes the Postgres (multibyte) issues with RMsis 1.6.2. If you intend to use Postgres, 1.6.3 or later are the recommended versions.
  • Large number of small bug fixes.

RMsis V.1.6.2

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.6.2-r87

  • Test Cases and Test Runs
    • Users can now create Issues, while mapping Test Cases with issues on the Test Cases / Test Runs screen.
  • JIRA Integration
    • Usability improvement in Issues screen, while mapping Issues to Requirements.
  • System
    • Support for PostgreSQL

RMsis V.1.6.1

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.6.1-r86

  • Requirements
    • It is now possible to change the ownership of requirements in two ways
      • by transferring the ownership from one user to another user. This is done by Admin.
      • or by using Bulk Operations in Planned Requirements to change Assignee | Reporter of multiple requirements. Any user with editing rights in the Planned Table can perform this operation.

RMsis V.1.6.0

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.6.0-r82

  • Requirements
    • Custom columns are now available for UnPlanned Requirements as well.
    • A Size Column is introduced by default and the Effort units are configurable.
    • JIRA Users can be specified as Source of Requirements.
    • When requirements are exported as JIRA issues, the issue type is configurable.
    • In planned requirements, it is now possible for Manager to directly change state of requirement from Open to Approved.
    • Baseline(s) are shown in a column against a Requirement in the Planned Requirements Table.
  • Traceability
    • Expand / Collapse view in the Traceability Tab is now available.
  • Reverse Traceability
    • A mechanism is now provided to find Issues not associated with Requirements
  • Test Cases and Test Runs
    • It is now possible to quickly associate multiple test cases with test runs by choosing corresponding Releases, Baselines and Requirements.
    • Test Run and Release information can now be viewed along with a Test Case.
    • Copy a Test Run to a different Release is now possible.
  • Generic Functions
    • Automatically switch views when certain operations are not possible in the current view.
    • Change color of header if a filter is set.
  • System Configuration
    • An option is available to automatically sync JIRA Versions with RMsis Releases.
    • Permanently changing log verbosity - Now the Administrator can Turn Off / Turn On, the RMsis Debug Messages.

Functions Withdrawn - RMsis v.1.6.0-r82

  • Releases
    • Release Composition functionality is not visible in 1.6.0 and will be completely withdrawn by 1.7.0, unless there is demand from many customers. We think that this terminology and functionality was not standard and might be confusing for many users.

RMsis V.1.5.2

Additional Functions and Improvements - RMsis v.1.5.2-r77

  • Requirements
    • Bulk operations are now extended to attributes.
    • Rich Text Area is available as a custom field.
    • User should be able to perform partial Requirements export.
    • Requirements ownership can be changed.
  • Traceability
    • User can now select the Issue Types to be displayed in Traceability Table
    • Identify Requirements with no linked Test Cases.
  • Test Cases
    • Custom fields are now supported for Test Cases.
  • JIRA Integration
    • Link to a Requirement / Test Case, while browsing an issue.
  • Data Management, Input and Output
    • For Requirement export, issue type is configurable.
    • Alert a user on Requirement Export, if a requirement is already exported to JIRA.
  • Generic Functions
    • All artifacts references are shown as links.
    • The column header is highlighted in a different color, if a filter is set.
    • The user can change column width and order.
  • System Configuration
    • Set the default for New User as Active / Passive.
    • Admin should be able to delete a user, when the user no longer exists in JIRA, (but has associated artifacts in RMsis).
  • System Functions
    • RMsis re-configuration mechanism is now much more intuitive and efficient.
    • If JIRA is running on HTTPS, client side certificate (for RMsis) need not be manually installed by user.

RMsis V.1.5.1

Notes on Additional Functions - RMsis v.1.5.1-r72

Many users had recently reported installation related issues. After analysis, it turned out to be issues related to two primary areas:

  1. Incorrect Network Configuration
  2. JIRA UPM Timeout, while RMsis installation was still running. This lead to disabling of RMsis plugin and consequently lot of unpredictability.

Here is a document, explaining the background of this issue, possibilities and solutions : RMsis fails to start after configuration - possible causes and solutions

Solutions implemented

  1. Diagnostics have been built into the installer; so as to give an idea to the administrators about the possible causes of problems.
  2. Now the Plugin completes it's initialization much more quickly and predictability; while it defers the diagnostics and other time consuming processes to later stages.

Additional Functions - RMsis v.1.5.1-r69

  • Admin has been given all project rights by default.

Additional Functions - RMsis v.1.5.1-r68

  • Requirements Management
    • Option to reconfigure the Default Attributes
    • Voting by team members against Requirements
    • Email notification of Requirements change
  • Requirements Traceability
    • Additional filter for linked issues
  • Test Cases
    • Support to establish dependencies between Test Cases
    • Support for Test Case history
    • Log and display Test Run status history
    • Email notification of Test Case change
    • Configurable option to link auto-generated issues to Requirements
  • Reporting
    • Handling of "Requirement Custom Fields" in "Custom Reports"
    • Support for Private and Public filters
  • JIRA Integration
    • Linking to Test Cases from JIRA Issues Page
    • Open Requirements Model Window from Issues Page
    • Requirements exported from RMsis to JIRA can now be used as input in GreenHopper.
  • Data Management, Input and Output
    • Flexible mechanism for CSV import with fields and options mapping
    • Export of Requirements as JIRA Issues
    • Configurable CR-LF treatment in CSV Export
  • Internationalization
    • Improved support for input, processing and display of European languages
  • System
    • Configurable options to specify Min - Max Memory for JVM

RMsis V.1.5.0

Additional Functions

  • Requirements Management
    • Requirements workflow
    • Display of custom attributes in the main table and included in PDF report.
  • Reporting
    • Create, Save, Edit and Delete Custom Reports
    • Sorting on attributes.
    • Baseline comparison report
  • Test Cases
    • Support for Test Case categorization
    • PDF Reports for Test Cases
  • System
    • Support for JIRA 5.0
    • Option in JIRA menu bar to send logs in case of failed installation

RMsis V.1.4.1

Additional Functions

  • Search and Filters
    • Auto save filters in all the main tables.
    • Configurable column view provided in many tables.
  • Requirements Management
    • Support for User Defined Custom Attributes.
    • User can specify "Source of a Requirement"
  • Requirements Validation / Test Cases
    • Copy a Test Case.Test Runs
    • Automatically log an Issue for Failed Test Cases using a "Log Issue Option" !
    • Add an Option to reset status of a Test Run.
  • System
    • PKCS#11 and PKCS#12 supported from 1.4.1-r.43 onwards (earlier only JKS was supported by default).

RMsis V.1.4.0

Additional Functions

  • Many usability improvements.
  • Requirements Management
    • Exporting requirements to another project.
    • Forward Traceability between requirements.
  • Traceability
    • Filters for Releases and Baselines.
  • Reverse Traceability
    • Filters for Releases and Baselines.
    • Map Issues / JIRA artifacts to Test Cases
  • Release Planning
    • Sync up RMsis Releases with JIRA Versions.
    • Incorporated Planned and Actual Effort Trends.
    • Define a Release Composition.
    • Merge releases.
  • Test Cases
    • Provided additional attributes for Test Cases
      • Name
      • Attachments (Links or Documents)
    • Mapping JIRA Artifacts to Test Cases.
    • Test Case versioning.
  • Introduced concept of Test Runs in this release with the following functionality
    • Configure / Create TestRuns.
    • Associate with Releases and hence implicitly associate with Release Composition.
    • Explicitly associate Test Cases with Test Runs.
    • Commit a TestRun.
    • Create copy of a TestRun.
    • Update status in a Test Run through "csv import".
    • Log issues against a specific test case in a TestRun.
  • User Administration
    • Any number of user defined roles can be configured.
    • Additional default roles of Business Analyst, Test Manager, Testing Team Member and Tester

RMsis V.1.3.0

Additional Functions

  • RMsis 1.3.0 - r.29 onwards
    • HTTPS Support
    • Reverse Proxy Support
  • Simplified installation Process. RMsis can now be installed using Atlassian's Universal Plugin Manager.
  • Simplified upgrade process using Atlassian's Universal Plugin Manager.
  • Embedded database support for evaluation versions (not yet recommended for production use).

RMsis V.1.2.1

Additional Functions

  • Viewing requirements from issues page.

RMsis V.1.2

Additional Functions

  • Managing Requirements versions
  • Test Case Identification and Traceability
  • Dependencies across projects
  • Export / Import Requirements and Test Cases in CSV format
  • Select columns to be displayed in Planned Requirements
  • Search in Planned Requirements

RMsis V.1.1

Additional Functions

  • Requirements Baseline
  • Requirements History
  • Multi-select Operations
  • Attaching links to documents

RMsis V.1.0

Major Functions

  • Requirements Management
  • Forward and Reverse Traceability
  • Release Management
  • Reporting in PDF / DOC formats
  • Filters
  • User Administration
  • Tool Administration