Traceability links missing after upgrading to JIRA 8.x.

Traceability links missing after upgrading to JIRA 8.x.

Symptoms: Existing traceability links are not visible after Upgrading JIRA to Version 8.0.x.

Cause: With JIRA 8.0.x and above, the APIs used to sync JIRA issues was deprecated. As a result of this, JIRA artifacts are marked as deleted if JIRA is upgraded to JIRA 8.x while using RMsis versions below RMsis 1.8.10-r355.

Upon upgrading RMsis to 1.8.10-r355 which is compatible with JIRA 8.0.x, JIRA artifacts are re-synced and duplicates are created. From the user's perspective, it appears that the traceability links are lost. 


If you have not upgraded JIRA to JIRA 8.x or you have tried upgrading on a test instance. Please follow the following steps to perform the upgrade:

  1. Upgrade RMsis first to v1.8.10-r355 before upgrading your JIRA instance to 8.0.x
  2. Upgrade your JIRA instance to 8.0.x
  3. This will eliminate the need to re-sync and no duplicates will be created.

If you have already upgraded your JIRA instance to 8.0.x, you have following options to resolve this issue:

  1. If you have taken a database backup of RMsis database before upgrading JIRA to 8.0.x
    1. Upgrade RMsis to RMsis 1.8.10-r355 which is compatible with JIRA 8.0.x
    2. Restore the RMsis backup taken before upgrading JIRA to 8.0.x to a new database and re-configure RMsis to use this database with RMsis 1.8.10-r355.
    3. This is the preferred option as it will eliminate the duplicate artifacts which got created due to re-sync and existing links & artifacts will remain visible.
  2. If database backup is not available, please follow the steps mentioned below to resolve this issue:
    1. Login into JIRA using an administrator account and switch to RMsis Administration > Health & Diagnostics tab. 
    2. Click on Find Duplicate button, this will identify the newly created duplicates and list them. 
      • If duplicate artifacts are found, Remove Duplicates button will become active or else "No duplicate issues found" will be displayed.
    3. Click on Remove Duplicate button to restore the Traceability links.