Roles and Access Rights

Roles and Access Rights

The tool is tightly integrated with JIRA ecosystem and uses the same user credentials as maintained by JIRA. As a consequence, the roles of users in RMsis are largely in line with JIRA, except that another role of "customer" has been defined. This has been done, anticipating more restrictions on this category of users as compared to design / development / testing team member. The current version of RMsis defines and this document assumes the following roles:

User defined in RMsis

Role Description


  • Installs the system and manages, licenses, database backup, system upgrades etc
  • Identifies the system users
  • Defines the access rights against a role
  • Assigns users to projects and defines the role

Product Manager / Project Manager / Project Lead **

  • Owns all the requirements and artefacts mapped to the requirements.
  • Schedules releases and assigns requirements to the same,
  • Maintains an oversight of the product / project.

Team Member

  • Can contribute requirement(s)
  • Reviews the requirement(s)
  • Refers to the requirements for other downstream activities.


  • Has limited RW access, as defined by the administrator.
  • Can contribute requirement(s)

Note **: Also referred as Requirement Manager in document.

These users can map into various designations / roles for your specific context. Some examples of this mapping are enumerated below:

User defined in RMsis


Equivalent Roles

Project Manager / Project Lead

Agile (Scrum) team

Product Owner, who is generally responsible for consolidating, analyzing and allocating requirements.

Team Member

Agile (Scrum) teams

Scrum Master will be a part of the team and will be allocated a set of requirements (as sprint backlog) by the Product Owner.