Multi-select feature
Multi-select feature
The generic behavior and overview of multi-select feature is as follows:
- Presentation
- It will appear as a check-box for all the relevant tables in the first column.
- If selected, the corresponding row will be highlighted using a chosen color scheme.
- Operations
- For Parents
- When user clicks on parent/container, option is provided to select only parent, only children or both parent as well as children.
- At leaf level
- Every click will toggle the state of check-box.
- Multi-select will work only on the entities visible on the current page (for paginated views).
- For Parents
- Operations not enabled for multi-select
- The operations, which can be performed only on one entity (Insert, Paste), multi-select will disable the operation and will give an error message, if clicked.
Multi-select feature is available for the following tables:
- Planned Requirements
- Unplanned Requirements
- Releases
- Test Cases
Multi-select Functions
Planned Requirements
The following operations can be performed using the multi-select feature:
- Indent
- First child can be indented only by one level.
- If a parent is selected and indented, then all of it's children will be automatically indented (irrespective of the selection).
- Outdent
- If a parent is selected and outdented, then all of it's children will be automatically outdented (irrespective of the selection).
- If few children are selected, then they will be outdented, without any impact on the parent.
- Delete Requirement
- Version Management
- Create Version
- Commit Version
- Baseline
- Mark for Baseline
- UnMark for Baseline
- Create Baseline
- If parent is selected, all it's children will be baselined.
- Baseline will not preserve the hierarchical relationships.
- Export to another Project
- All the selected Requirements with their hierarchy will be exported.
- Caution : Please note that the during export hierarchy cannot be merged. So if two different requirements under a hierarchy are exported separately, then the hierarchy will be replicated, and the Requirements will have to be manually moved by the user.
- Create JIRA Issues
- JIRA issues will be created for and linked to all the selected Requirements.
- The JIRA issue type can be configured in Requirement Configuration.
- Bulk Operation
- System will prompt for selection of an Attribute and It's value.
- This will be changed for all the chosen Requirements.
Following operations can be performed only on one selected entity:
- Add Requirement
- Paste Requirement
- Move Requirement
Selection has no impact on the following operations
- Expand all
- Collapse all
Note : Context Menu will operate only on the selected entity.
Unplanned Requirements
The following operations can be performed using the multi-select feature:
- Delete Requirements
- Cut Requirements
- Move to Planned Requirements
Note : Context Menu will operate only on the selected entity.
The following operations can be performed using the multi-select feature:
- Delete Releases : Select all the releases (which you wish to delete) and press the delete button.
- Merge Releases : Select all the releases (which you wish to merge into a target release) and press the delete button.
Test cases
The following operations can be performed using the multi-select feature:
- Delete
- Commit
- Create Version
, multiple selections available,