Configuring Requirement Approval Workflow
The Requirement Approval Workflow can be configured by clicking on the option provided.
A detailed description of the functionality can be found at Requirements Approval Workflow
Configuring Default Attribute Options
- From RMsis 1.5.1 onwards, users have an option to reconfigure the Default Attribute Options for Requirements.
- On the "Requirement Configuration Page", all default options (which can be configured) are displayed.
- User will have an option to
- Add Option
- Edit Option, buy simply clicking on the option.
- Delete Option
- In case of Delete, the system will automatically prompt the user to map the (existing) assigned values.
- A sample for a Configurable Attribute is shown below :
Function Attributes
- Weight
- The options will sorted for weights from "High to Low".
- Even though there are no limitations imposed, the default convention is to use the range between 0 - 10
- The weights are planned to be used in future for "Computed Fields"; even though they do not have any significance at the moment.
- Default
- This specifies the default value assigned to a newly created Requirement.
Defining Custom Attributes for Requirements
- RMsis provides a table, which can be used for managing custom fields for Requirements.
- These custom fields will be applied globally to all projects.
- These attributes can be configured for display in the Planned Requirement Data Table and are also included in the PDF reports generated for Planned Requirements.
Custom Field Attributes
A custom field has the following attributes:
- Custom Field Name
- This field specifies name of the custom field.
Field Type
This field specifies the field type of the custom field.
Just click on "Field Type" column against a custom field row to enter its field type.
Possible values for this field are
Real value
- Date
Single select list
Multi select list
- Rich Text Area
Field Unit
This attribute specifies the unit of the custom field.
It is only applicable for "Text", "Integer" and "Real value" type custom fields.
- Field Options
- This attribute specifies the field options for the custom field.
- It is only applicable for "Single select list" and "Multi select list".
- The options can be entered by clicking on respective cell.
Custom Field Operations
- Add Custom Field
- A new custom field can be created by clicking on the first row of the table under the "Custom Field Name" column labeled "< Enter new Custom Field >".
Edit Custom Field
- A custom field can be edited simply by clicking on it.
- Note: Once a custom field is associated with some requirements,
- then its field type cannot be altered
- and associated field options cannot be deleted
- Delete Custom Field(s)
- Custom Field(s) can be deleted in the following two ways:
- First select custom field(s) and then click on "Delete Custom Field" button to delete them.
- By selecting context menu item "Delete Custom Field" to delete a single custom field.
- However, if a custom field is associated with some requirements, then it will not be deleted.
- Custom Field(s) can be deleted in the following two ways:
- Enable
- A custom field can be enabled by clicking on the check box on the extreme right.
- Once a custom field is enabled, it appears as part of Requirements.
Context Menu is accessible by right clicking on any table row. Operations defined in context menu will be performed on that row.
Configuring Mail Notifications
Mail Notifications can be configured for
- Requirement State Changes
- Requirement Attribute Changes
and are sent to
- Manager
- Assignee for the Requirement.
Configuring the Issue Type for Exported Requirements
Users can select the Issue Type to be created, when Requirements are exported as JIRA Issues. All possible / configured Issue Types will be listed in the options.