Create a Custom ID

Create a Custom ID

Creating & Generating Custom IDs are the core functionalities of the CustomID App, users can create Custom ID through CustomID Home page. Once a pattern is saved and generated for issues, all newly created will automatically be assigned a custom field with the currently generated customID pattern.

Steps to create a Custom ID

Initiate CustomID Pattern Creation:

  • On the Custom ID Home page Click on the textfield to build your customID.

  • By typing the % symbol, the user can access the placeholder dropdown menu, from where they can select the placeholder to insert the placeholder in the field.

  • After building the Custom Pattern for the ID, click on the Save Pattern button to save the Custom Pattern.


  • After saving the pattern, the user can generate the pattern for all the issues by clicking on the Generate Pattern button (the generate process may take some time; please don’t close or refresh your window).



  • After the generate for all processes finishes, the user can see the custom ID for the issues in the issue detail panel.

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