Migrate RMsis data to a Datacenter Instance
Question : How can I migrate RMsis data from the Jira server instance(s) to a Datacenter Instance?
Answer :
- If the database being used by you in the server and Datacenter instance is the same, you can follow the steps mentioned below:
- For the first Jira+RMsis Server(Let's call it Server A), take a backup of your RMsis database and restore the same database to your Datacenter instance.
- We recommend you choose the instance which has most of the projects being used in RMsis.
- Follow the steps mentioned below to move your RMsis data to the Datacenter.
Take a backup of your RMsis database of server A.
Restore RMsis database on Datacenter instance.
- Install RMsis on the datacenter instance using the restored database.
You may need to regenerate the license key for RMsis if your system code changes.
RMsis system code is dependent on the RMsis Base URL / RMsis Host Name / Reverse Proxy Host Name + the Port Number on which it is configured.
Please let us know if this is required. We will enable license key regeneration for your RMsis License.
- For the subsequent servers, you will have to use the CSV Export-Import functionality in RMsis to move your data to Datacenter.
- The steps to do so are mentioned at the end of the page.
- For the first Jira+RMsis Server(Let's call it Server A), take a backup of your RMsis database and restore the same database to your Datacenter instance.
- If the database being used by you in the server and Datacenter instance is not the same, you will have to use the CSV Export-Import functionality in RMsis to move your data to the Datacenter.
Create a new database for RMsis.
Install RMsis on the Datacenter instance using the new database.
- Install the license by generating a license as per the new system code.
Use the CSV import process to import the data from various servers.
- The steps to do so are mentioned below.
- Please follow the steps mentioned below to move your RMsis data from each server instance to the Datacenter instance:
Export RMsis data in CSV files.
- Details about data import and export are available on the following page: Data Import and Export
- Create necessary custom fields in RMsis so that all the fields of exported CSV files can be mapped.
- Import the data using the CSV import process.
- Please follow the steps mentioned here to import your data: Exporting to another JIRA + RMsis installation
This method can be used for Planned Requirements, Unplanned Requirements, Test Cases, Test Runs, Traceability information, Test Case Relationships.
Please note that this feature still has limited capability and details not mentioned above will not be imported. It will have to be updated manually.
Data corresponding to the following fields in Planned (or Unplanned) requirements will not be imported: External Sources, Internal Sources, Baselines, and Comments.
If you have baselined or committed a requirement then this information will not be imported and the requirement in the new project will be treated as a newly created requirement (non-baselined / non-committed).
If you have created multiple versions of a requirement, then this information will not be imported and different versions of a requirement will be imported as separate requirements.