Using traceability capabilities of RMsis to Manage ICD-10 Migration


The target date for migration to ICD-10 codes in US is approaching at a fast rate.There is huge financial risk for non-compliance as well as due to processes lacking readiness to take care of the evolving scenarios. Though the technology challenges are minimal, the change in processes and validation of the business flow is a big challenge; especially due to the following issues:

  1. The extent of impact across the organization.
  2. Number of applications impacted and their changes having an impact on many business processes.
  3. Large number of ICD codes, and validation / migration requiring domain knowledge.

We present the outline of an approach here on how RMsis can be used to maintain an oversight and manage the entire migration process.

Step 1: Check Readiness to Migrate

  • The objectives / goals of key stakeholders should be clearly stated.
  • The migration strategy and ICD Code Mapping / Decision criteria should be clearly articulated.

Step 2 : Create an inventory of all the major entities

A well classified inventory should contain (at least)

  1. Migration Goals and Objectives from all stakeholders.
  2. List of all processes and sub-processes impacted
  3. The relationships / dependencies between processes and sub-processes
  4. List of all changes being done to the products.
  5. ICD codes which are to be used by the system

The following view shows an example of inventory created in RMsis

Step 3 :Develop an overall plan, including key milestones

  • Breakdown into smaller sub-projects
  • Prioritize the changes with large business impact
  • Establish milestones, especially for handover to Testing Team and for final deployment

Step 4 : Develop Specifications

For all the impacted entities in the inventory, it is critical to write down specification for

  • The Transition Phase
  • Steady State
  • Mechanism of exception handling

Step 5 : Make changes to the products

Implement and test the implementation as per specifications at the individual product level.

Step 6 : Design and Specify Test Cases

For each of the entities identified (including the objectives), design and develop test cases. A sample RMsis view of the same is presented below

Step 7 : Execute Test Cases and Log Results

Step 8 : Monitor progress and impact on Inventory

  • Traceability functions can be used to monitor set of requirements against failed test cases.
  • JIRA's native capabilities can be used to monitor trends like
    • Open tasks.
    • Trend of Issues logged.

More Information


For any suggestions or questions, please send a mail to:

  • Optimizory Technologies Pvt. Ltd is not a solution provider for ICD-10 migration.
  • This application note is meant only to demonstrate the use of product's traceability and other capabilities for managing large migration projects.