Requirements Traceability

Requirements Traceability

Requirement Manager can link/unlink JIRA issues/bugs/tasks with a given requirement and can check traceability in real time.
To link an artifact to a requirement, just click on of that row. After a panel appears containing:

  • Linked Artifacts table showing artifacts linked with this requirement. To unlink an artifact, just click on .
  • Link New Artifacts table showing artifacts not linked with this requirement. To link an artifact, just click on , that artifact will be automatically moved to linked artifact table.

Color coding of table cells is done according to the status of the artifacts.

  • Red Color: if number of ("Resolved" and "Closed") artifacts are less than 50% of total attributes associated with requirement.
  • Yellow Color: if number of ("Resolved" and "Closed") artifacts are more than 50% and less than 100% of total attributes associated with requirement.
  • Green Color: If all artifacts are either "Resolved" OR "Closed".

Requirement traceability table can be exported to PDF/word by clicking icon on top right corner.

Fig – 6 : Requirement Traceability Screen