Linking artifacts across projects
Linking artifacts across projects
For dependencies across projects for various artifacts, the following possibilities emerge
- Dependencies between requirements
- Links to various JIRA artifacts
- Test Cases linked to requirements across projects
Regarding releases
- The scope of Releases is considered local to a project. So a release defined for one project will not be visible in another project.
- Releases defined in JIRA may be visible in projects (at a later date. This functionality is currently not available.)
Dependencies on requirements across projects
- The following view will emerge, when a user clicks on the "depends on cell", corresponding to a requirement in the Requirements Tab.
- As soon as the user selects the project, list of requirements for the project will appear.
- User can further refine the list by choosing an option in the "Baseline dropdown list"
- Finally the user can select the requirements from the list.
Requirements linked to artifacts across projects
- The following view will emerge, when a user clicks on any of the artifact cells, corresponding to a requirement in the Traceability Tab.
- As soon as the user selects the project, list of artifacts for the project will appear.
- Finally the user can select the artifacts from the list.
Test Cases linked to requirements across projects
- The following view will emerge, when a user clicks on the "Requirements Cell", corresponding to a Test Case in the Test Case Tab.
- As soon as the user selects the project, list of requirements for the project will appear.
- User can further refine the list by choosing an option in the "Baseline dropdown list"
- Finally the user can select the requirements from the list, which map to the Test Case.