Linking artifacts across projects

Linking artifacts across projects

For dependencies across projects for various artifacts, the following possibilities emerge

  • Dependencies between requirements
  • Links to various JIRA artifacts
  • Test Cases linked to requirements across projects

Regarding releases

  • The scope of Releases is considered local to a project. So a release defined for one project will not be visible in another project.
  • Releases defined in JIRA may be visible in projects (at a later date. This functionality is currently not available.)

Dependencies on requirements across projects

  1. The following view will emerge, when a user clicks on the "depends on cell", corresponding to a requirement in the Requirements Tab.
  2. As soon as the user selects the project, list of requirements for the project will appear.
  3. User can further refine the list by choosing an option in the "Baseline dropdown list"
  4. Finally the user can select the requirements from the list.

Requirements linked to artifacts across projects

  1. The following view will emerge, when a user clicks on any of the artifact cells, corresponding to a requirement in the Traceability Tab.
  2. As soon as the user selects the project, list of artifacts for the project will appear.
  3. Finally the user can select the artifacts from the list.

Test Cases linked to requirements across projects

  1. The following view will emerge, when a user clicks on the "Requirements Cell", corresponding to a Test Case in the Test Case Tab.
  2. As soon as the user selects the project, list of requirements for the project will appear.
  3. User can further refine the list by choosing an option in the "Baseline dropdown list"
  4. Finally the user can select the requirements from the list, which map to the Test Case.