Requirement Operations
Requirement Operations
The following operations can be performed on "Planned Requirement" table:
- Create Requirement:A new requirement can be created by either
- clicking on the table row under the "Requirement" column labeled "< Enter new requirement >".
- selecting context menu item ("Add Requirement above" or "Add Requirement below").
- Edit Requirement:
- A requirement can be edited simply by clicking on it OR by clicking its ID.
- Please note that some fields of a parent requirement are non-editable and a committed requirement cannot be edited.
- Delete Requirement:A requirement can be deleted by clicking on context menu item "Delete Requirement".
- Caution! if a parent requirement is deleted, then all of its children will also be deleted.
- Select Requirement:
- A requirement can be selected by clicking on first column of the requirement.
- Multiselect is provided and works for many operations.
- Indent Requirement:A requirement can be indented in the following two ways:
- First select a requirement and then click on indent button to indent it.
- By selecting context menu item "Indent Requirement".
- Outdent Requirement:A requirement can be outdented in the following two ways:
- First select a requirement and then click on outdent button to outdent it.
- By selecting context menu item "Outdent Requirement".
- Paste Requirement:A requirement can be cut from the unplanned requirements table and then pasted into the planned requirements table either:
- by selecting context menu item "Paste Requirement above" or "Paste requirement below".
- or by selecting a requirement from planned requirements table and then choosing "Paste Requirement above" or "Paste Requirement below" from the dropdown "More Actions" in the planned requirements section.
- Move: A Requirement can be moved, just by typing the Requirement-Id in the target row.
- Baseline Actions:
- Accessed through Version/Baseline Actions dropdown
- Mark for Baseline: All selected requirements can be marked for baseline by selecting "Mark for Baseline" option.
- UnMark: All selected and marked requirements can be unmarked by selecting "UnMark" option.
- Create Baseline:
- All marked and selected requirements can be baselined by selecting "Create Baseline" option.
- System will prompt for and save the Baseline Name & Description.
- Version Actions:
- Accessed through Version/Baseline Actions dropdown
- Create Version: A new version of the requirement is created. The source requirement must be committed to perform this operation.
- Commit Version: The present state of requirement is saved.
- View Versions:This dropdown provides multiple options for viewing various versions of requierments.
- Latest View shows the latest version of all requirements.
- All Versions
- All the saved Baselines.
- Expand Requirement: A parent requirement can be expanded by clicking on expand button associated with the requirement text but if you want to expand all the requirements then click on "Expand All" button.
- Collapse Requirement: A parent requirement can be collapsed by clicking on collapse button associated with the requirement text but if you want to collapse all the requirements then click on "Collapse All" button.
- Move Requirement from Unplanned to planned: A requirement can be moved from "Unplanned Requirements" section to "Planned Requirements" section by selecting requirement and right clicking on it. After right click, a menu appears and requirement can be moved to planned section by selecting "Move to Planned Requirements" section.
- Filters:
- Requirements can be filtered on various attributes like "Release ID", "Priority", "Criticality", "Feasibility", "Status" etc.
- Filter selection performs an OR operation within a given column and performs AND operation across columns.
- User can reset the filter to default state by using Reset Filter
- Search :
- User can search for requirement Id's and text within the description field using the search box provided.
- Reset Filter clears the search field as well.
- Export Requirements:
- Requirements can be exported to PDF format by clicking icons shown on top right corner.
- Planned Requirements can also be exported in CSV format.
- Import Requirements:
- User can initiate the import process by clicking on the "Import Requirements" button.
- On system prompt, the (CSV) file name can be provided.
Important Notes:
- If you are unable to perform any operation on this table, then please confirm with your administrator / manager that you have the required credentials to perform that operation.
- Context Menu is accessible by right clicking on any table row. Operations defined in context menu will be performed on that row.
- The fields categories, estimated effort, technical risk, release id, priority, criticality, feasibility, status for a parent requirement are non editable.
, multiple selections available,