Requirement Attributes

Default Attributes

A requirement has the following default attributes:

  • Requirement Id: A unique identification of the requirement. This field is non editable.
  • Requirement Version : A requirement can have multiple versions and each version is a requirement committed in space and time. A complete description of requirement versioning is available at Version Management of Requirements
    • It is displayed next to the Requirement Id, within braces.
    • A parent requirement is treated as a container and it's version cannot be saved. These requirements will have Version # 1, throughout their lifetime.
  • Requirement: This is a brief description of the requirement.
  • Description: This is a field to capture details of a requirement. However it is not visible in the tabular view (by default).
  • Baseline Indicator:This is the "BL" column and displays the baseline status of a requirement.
  • Attachments: Any number of documents or links can be attached to the requirement. For attaching a document or link against a requirement, just click on "Attachments" column ( ) and row corresponding to the requirement. After a panel appears, enter details of document or link.

  • Categories:A requirement can be classified in user defined categories.
    • A category can be created by clicking on "Categories" column in any row of the table. After a category panel appears, click on "Create New Category" to create a new category.
    • After a category is created, it can be associated with any requirement in the table (planned or unplanned).
    • A category can be edited by clicking on edit category image (this image will appear after hovering the mouse on category in category panel)
    • A category can be deleted by clicking on delete category image (this image will appear after hovering the mouse on category in category panel)
  • Depends on
    • Depends on establishes Backward Traceability to a requirement.
    • Requirement dependency can be created by clicking the cell corresponding to the requirement in "Depends On" column.
    • After clicking on this column, a panel will appear.
    • Check the requirements on which dependencies needs to be created.
    • RMsis checks for and prevents cyclic dependencies.
    • Creation of a "Depends On" relationship, automatically updates the Dependents relationship.
  • Dependents
    • Dependents show the forward traceability of a requirement.
    • Requirement dependency can be created by clicking the cell corresponding to the requirement in "Dependents" column.
    • After clicking on this column, a panel will appear.
    • Check the requirements on which dependencies needs to be created.
    • RMsis checks for and prevents cyclic dependencies.

  • Effort: This field specifies estimated effort required for the requirement in man days.
  • Actual Effort : This field specifies actual effort for the requirement in man days.
  • Technical Risk: This field specifies technical risk of the requirement. Possible values for this field are "Very High", "High", "Average", "Low" and "Very Low".
  • Release Id: This field identifies the release id associated with the requirement. A release can be created in "Releases" tab.
  • Priority: This field specifies priority of the requirement. Possible values for this field are "Blocker", "Critical", "Major", "Minor" and "Trivial".
  • Votes
    • From 1.5.1 onwards, RMsis supports voting for the Planned Requirements.
    • The current Vote Count is always displayed in the cell.
    • A user can cast a positive vote by clicking on the cell corresponding to a requirement.
    • A second click toggles the state of the vote.
  • Criticality: This field specifies criticality of the requirement. Possible values for this field are "Low", "Medium" and "High".
  • Feasibility: This field specifies technical and business feasibility of the requirement. Possible values for this field are "Yes", "No" and "Investigate".
  • Status: This field specifies status of the requirement. Possible values for this field are "Open", "Closed" and "Completed".
  • Comments: Any comment related to the requirement can be entered into this field. The latest comment will be shown in "Comments" column against any requirement. After clicking on that cell, all the comments related to the requirements will be shown. Reply can be given to the comment by clicking on "reply to comments" image .

Custom Attributes

  • Custom Attributes can be defined by Tool Administrator as described here.
  • The attributes are copied when any of the following operations are performed
    • Copy
    • Create Version
  • For container (parent) requirements, attributes remain in editable state, since the version is not committed.
  • For versioned requirements, attributes are changed to non-editable state, when the requirement version is committed.