
RMsis reporting is divided into 2 parts :

  • Specific Reports : Usually, these are complex reports, which are not possible to generate through Custom Reporting feature.
  • Custom Reports : Custom reports provide a flexible option to users, where they can define reports as per their need or preference.

Specific Reports

When "Specific Reports" option is selected from RMsis Tabs, the following screen opens up. User must select the desired report from the drop-down list.

Baseline Comparison Report

Key points

  • This report can be used to compare two baselines.
  • Baselines can be selected using drop down lists
  • This report can also be exported in CSV format.

Typical baseline report is shown below.

Custom Reports

Key points about custom reporting feature

  • Reports can be viewed in a format similar to Pivot Table and can be exported in CSV format.
  • RMsis can generate customized reports based on various domains.
    • A domain denotes central OR primary entity for report.
    • For example, if "Requirement" is selected as domain, then report will treat requirement as central entity, while generating report.

Reporting Domains

RMsis reports can be generated around following entities :

  • Basic Entities
    • Requirements
    • Test Cases
    • Artifacts
  • Group Entities
    • Releases
    • Test Run

In order to generate a meaningful report, selection of appropriate domain is must. Effective use of domain and attribute can generate meaningful reports and can provide answers to some critical questions like:

  • How many requirements are impacted by failed test cases in a test run ?
  • What is health of release (how many tests are failing and how many requirements are impacted due to these tests) ?

Reporting Operations

Following operations can be performed with reports : -

  • Create Report
  • View Report
  • Edit Report
  • Delete Report 

Create Report

A report can be created by clicking on "New Report" button. Upon clicking this button, a model will open up and following information needs to be provided by the user

  • Report Name : This is the name of report to be generated. Reports can have any name upto 255 characters.
  • Report Domain Selection : This is a drop down option. User can select any domain and based on domain selection, Column options will be presented.
  • Columns Section: Once domain is selected, all applicable columns will be displayed in left tree.
    • For Requirements, custom columns also displayed and can be selected by the user.
  • Filter Selection : Filters will be displayed on the right hand side pane. User can choose the desired options for report generation.
  • Sorting order : Once options are chosen, user can specify sorting order for four columns.

Following image shows a typical report name and domain selection

Following image shows selection of columns and values for filter

Following image shows selection of sorting order

View Report

A report can be viewed by selecting a named report in the drop-down list.

Edit Report

A report can be edited by selecting appropriate report in drop down and clicking "Edit Report" button. Edited report can be saved with changed domain/columns/filters/sorting order.

Delete Report

A report can be deleted by selecting appropriate report in drop down and clicking "Delete Report" button.

Public and Private Reports

  • All user's will have the option to create and use Private Reports.
  • The Manager / Project Lead has the default permission to create Public Reports.
  • This can be done by choosing the Access Type, while configuring the report.