Permissions, and their assignment to Roles

RMsis Implements role based permission model, where permission to any role can be given by System Admin OR Tool Admin. However, a manager can assign different roles to different users in their project. To conclude. permissions in RMsis can be divided into 2 parts:

  • project specific permissions
  • and global permissions

Project Specific Permissions

This section is managed by project manager / leader and is applicable to a specific project within RMsis. Following assignments can be done:

  • Assignment of a role to any user in project
  • Removing the assignment of a role to any user in project

Please note that assignation of users to project can be done only by System Admin OR Tool Admin.

Global Permissions

This section is managed by System Admin OR Tool Admin and the following key operations can be performed

Creation of Custom Roles

This feature is available from Release 1.3.1 onwards

  • Create a new role
  • Delete an existing role. Please note that
    • default roles can not be deleted.
    • a role cannot be deleted if any user is associated with the same.
User Management
  • Enable OR disable a user in RMsis
Project Management
  • On the RMsis side, Admin can only view projects imported from JIRA and can not edit anything.
Tool Configuration
  • Configuring a new license

  • Enable debugging mode
Assigning permissions to any given role

System Admin can provide following permissions to any given role.

  1. Application Functions
    1. Requirements
      • Create Planned Requirement
      • Create UnPlanned Requirement
      • View All Planned Requirement
      • View All UnPlanned Requirement
      • View Self Planned Requirement
      • View Self UnPlanned Requirement
      • Edit All Planned Requirement
      • Edit All UnPlanned Requirement
      • Edit Self Planned Requirement
      • Edit Self UnPlanned Requirement
      • Delete Self Planned Requirement
      • Delete Self UnPlanned Requirement
      • Delete All Planned Requirement
      • Delete All UnPlanned Requirement
      • Edit allocated Planned Requirement
      • Manage and approve Planned Requirement
    2. Requirements Baseline
      • Create Baseline
      • Mark for Baseline
      • UnMark
    3. Source of Requirement
      • View Requirement Source
      • Create Requirement Source
      • Edit Requirement Source
      • Delete Requirement Source
      • Map Source with Requirement
    1. Releases
      • View Effort and Timeline Report
      • Manage Release
      • View Release
    2. Traceability
      • Manage Traceability
      • View Traceability
    3. Test Cases
      • Create Test Case
      • Edit Test Case
      • View Test Case
      • Delete Test Case
    4. Test Run
      • View Test Run
      • Create Test Run
      • Edit Test Run
      • Commit Test Run
      • Update status in Test Run
      • Link issue in Test Run
    5. Reports
      • View Report
      • Create Report
      • Edit Report
      • Delete Report
  2. Administrative Functions
    1. Manage Project Users