Quick Installation

Quick Installation

Software Pre-requisites

Software pre-requisites for the machine, on which you want to install vREST enterprise server:

  1. MongoDB

Hardware Requirements

Hardware requirements for the machine, on which you want to install vREST enterprise server:

  1. For vREST Enterprise Server:
    1. RAM: Minimum 2 GB (recommended 4 GB)
    2. CPU: A recent server (64 bit architecture). As of now, only single core will be utilised in multi core CPUs for enterprise server operations. In future, we intend to add support for utilising multiple cores of the CPU.
    3. Storage: Minimum 20GB HDD (7200 RPM or faster). 
      1. Storage is basically needed for storing log files, config files and enterprise server binary. 
      2. For data storage, a separate machine is recommended for MongoDB.
  1. For Mongo DB Server:
    A separate machine is recommended for database server (MongoDB). For MongoDB server hardware considerations, please read this guide for better information based on your environment. However the recommended configuration for vREST is as follows:
    1. RAM: MInimum 2 GB (An increased capacity will result in increased performance.)
    2. CPU: A multi core server with 64 bit architecture will result in better performance.
    3. Storage: Minimum 40 GB (Sufficient to store around 1 lac test cases and their execution results)

Installation Steps:

  1.  Make a new directory of your choice and move the downloaded binary file (vrest_os_x_x_x) to this directory

    $ mkdir vrest
    $ cd vrest
    vrest $ mv ~/Downloads/vrest_os_x_x_x .
  2. Set vREST Enterprise server configuration
    1. In this new directory, create a new file `config.json`. A sample file content is attached below:

          "port" : "4000",
          "redirectToHTTPS" : false,
          "disableAllEmails" : false,
          "cookieSecret" : "your_db_secret",
          "startOnHTTPS" : false,
          "httpsPrivateKeyPath" : "privatekey.pem",
          "httpsCertificatePath" : "certificate.pem",
          "db" : "mongodb://localhost/vrest",
          "disableAnalyticsTracking" : false,
          "disableLiveChat" : false,
      	"defaultUserPassword": null,
          "mail": {
              "host": "smtp.gmail.com",
              "secureConnection": "true",
              "port": 465,
              "username": "vrest.mailer@your-domain.com",
              "password": "email-password",
              "defaultFrom": "vREST Mail <vrest.mailer@your-domain.com>",
              "options": {
      			"authMethod": "PLAIN"
    2. The above file contains the following configuration:
      1. port
        Port Number on which, you want to execute vREST Enterprise server. 
      2. redirectToHTTPS
        Boolean flag. If set to true, then any incoming requests with scheme HTTP will be redirected to HTTPS. 
      3. disableAllEmails
        Boolean flag. If set to true, then vREST Enterprise server will stop sending any emails.
      4. cookieSecret
        Cookie secret. Set this to any secret string. 
      5. startOnHTTPS
        Boolean flag. If set to true then vREST Enterprise server will try to start on HTTPS. If you set true, then please set appropriate configuration for port, httpsPrivateKeyPath, httpsCertificatePath.
      6. httpsPrivateKeyPath
        If startOnHTTPS config is set to true then provide the file name of the private key. This private key must reside in the same directory where config.json file is written.
      7. httpsCertificatePath
        If startOnHTTPS config is set to true then provide the file name of certificate file. This certificate file also must reside in the same directory where config.json file is written.
      8. db
        MongoDB connection string. For more information, please read this guide link
      9. disableAnalyticsTracking
        By default, google analytics is enabled. We recommend you to keep this option enabled. If you want to disable google analytics, then you may set it to true. 
      10. disableLiveChat
         By default, live chat option is enabled. If you want to disable live chat, then you may set it to true.
      11. defaultUserPassword
        [Added in v2.9.13.2] If provided null or option not provided then random password is set for new users. Otherwise you may set the default password for new users by using this property. Default password must be of type string and must be minimum 8 characters long.
      12. mail
        Provide mail configuration here. Key `options` introduced in vREST 2.9.9 and here you may define other mail options such authMethod. For full options list, please visit NodeMailer Document.
  3. Start the server
    To start the server, first make sure that your MongoDB server is running and you have configured the config.json file. Now simply run the following command:

    vrest$ chmod +x vrest_os_x_x_x
    vrest$ ./vrest_os_x_x_x
  4. That's it. Your vREST Enterprise server is ready and accessible from URL like this: http(s)://<computer_name_or_IP_address>:<port>. Please follow this guide link to install licence in your enterprise instance.
    Note: Please make sure, you are accessing vREST Enterprise through public facing URL before generating the licence key. 

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