Import built-in Templates
For quick integration with third party tools, we have provided sample templates for few third party tools. That will also provide you a quick overview of, how a hook can be defined in vREST. You may also write your custom hooks, in case if a built-in hook is not available.
How to import built-in hooks:
Step 1: Import the desired template
- Find the "Third Party Integrations" section in left hand side of Hooks Tab.
- Click on "Import" button on the desired hook template.
- System will ask you, whether you want to import the hook or not? Simply click "Ok" button to proceed further.
Step 2: Fill the hook variables / authorizations:
When you import a hook template, then it creates some variables / authorizations depending on the hook template. You may need to define the values of hook variables / authorizations.
- For defining variables, simply select More Menu >> Global Variables / Environments.
- For defining authorizations, simply select More Menu >> Authorizations.
- Define the values of the hook variables. e.g.
- When you import the JIRA template, then you need to define the following hook variables:
- jiraBaseURL
Define the base URL of your JIRA instance. Please do not add the forward slash at the end of base URL. - jiraProjectKey
Define the JIRA Project Key in which the issue will be logged based on vREST test case status. - jiraAssigneeName
Define the JIRA assignee name to which the logged issue will be assigned.
- jiraBaseURL
- and when you import the Slack template, then you need to define the following hook variables:
- slackWebHookURL
Define the Slack web hook URL. For more information on this, please visit - slackUsername
Define the slack user name. - slackChannel
Define the slack channel name.
- slackWebHookURL
- When you import the JIRA template, then you need to define the following hook variables:
- Define the values of hook authorizations. e.g.
- When you import the JIRA template, then you need to define the JIRA Authorization. Simply select the Authorization Type as "Basic Authorization" and provide the JIRA user name and password details.
That's it. Hooks are now ready to be executed based on the hook condition defined.
You may enable / disable individual hooks by selecting the desired hooks and then select "# Selected" >> Enable / Disable option.