User Requests

User Requests

Request for Account Deletion

Users will get an option to delete their account on their profile page. This may lead to an immediate deletion OR a scheduled deletion by admin at a later date.

  1. RMsis
    1. For trial users, the database entries containing user information will be deleted.
    2. For users having a commercial license, the data will be retained for the lifetime of the Organization. This is to ensure availability of documentation for our taxation and other legal obligations.
  2. vREST
    1. If there are no inter-dependencies with other users, the account will be deleted.
    2. If there are inter-dependencies with other users, a notification will be generated to other users with a grace period of 1 month.

Request to exclude from Marketing and Promotion activities

  1. Users can initiate this request by clicking on this option on their profile page.
  2. Once we get this intimation, the user list of exclusions is updated.
  3. Logos are removed from our CRM website and the customer name is not used in any communication / promotional activity.

Reporting of issues / requests related to data security

  1. All such requests should be sent by email to data.protection@optimizory.com
  2. You can expect an acknowledgement within 24 hours.
  3. We will make our best efforts to resolve your issue at highest priority.