Visual Studio Team Services Integration

Visual Studio Team Services Integration

Visual Studio Team Services (referred as VSTS below) is a popular CI/CD tool. Now you can automatically validate your project builds using vREST test suite with VSTS.

If you are using some other Continuous Integration Server, you can integrate vREST with that in the same way as with VSTS. If you face any issues then do let us know by dropping an email to support@vrest.io.


Let's take a sample application (Contacts Application) and step by step guide on how we can integrate vREST with VSTS.

Note: You can find the source code of sample application at Github.

Step by Step Guide:

Step 1: Write your automated test suite in vREST

First you need to write test cases for your test application in vREST to ensure the build quality of your web application. Then copy the test case list URL by clicking on button "Copy Current Test Case List URL" available in Continuous Integration section. You can find the test cases for this sample application in vREST here

Step 2: [Optional] Learn how vrunner command works and get your hands dirty on it by installing it locally first

First setup the vrunner module by following the guide Setup / install vrunner.

Once you setup this module on your local machine, you can execute the vREST test cases by executing the following command:

vrunner --email=<EMAIL_ID> --password=<PASSWORD> --url=<URL OF vREST Test Cases> --logger=xunit [--filepath=<absolute log file path>] [--env=<ENVIRONMENT>]


  • email: Email ID through which you have registered on vREST
  • password: Password of your vREST account
  • url: Provide the test case list URL here. You can find the test case list URL by going to your vREST instance and select Test Cases tab. Now click on button "Copy Current Test Case List URL" available in Left hand side, below the "Filters section". Provide the copied URL in this option.
  • logger: Use xunit here. Reporter xunit will export the test case report in xml junit style, which can be used in any continuous integration server to publish the reports.
  • filepath: Absolute path of the log file, into which execution process and result logs will be dumped. If path/file is not present, tool will try to setup that path, and create file automatically. Please note that if file already exists, that will be overwritten. By default it will be the `vrest_logs/logs.xml` in current directory.
  • env: [Optional] Provide the environment name which you have defined in vREST (Case-sensitive).

Step 3: Download vrunner utility in the build step in VSTS

In VSTS build process, you will need to add task to download the vrunner utility on the VSTS server. If the vrunner utility is already there as part of another task, then skip this step. We have added a Download task in VSTS. But it may differ in your case based on Agent Configuration.

Note: You may copy the vrunner binary download link from this guide link.

Step 4: Add vrunner command in the build step in VSTS

In VSTS Build process, add a Command Line task and just fill the form as shown in the snapshot below. Please replace the path to vrunner binary, email, password, env, url parameters of the command according to your configuration.

Note: Make sure, you have checked the Control Option "Continue on error" because in case of test failure, vrunner command returns error code and your next task will be skipped if you don't tick this option.

Step 5: Publish test results in VSTS Server

By default, vrunner command writes the report in 'vrest_logs/logs.xml' if logger 'xunit' is used. You may change this path by providing the filepath option in the vrunner command. In VSTS Build Process, add a build task "Publish Test Results" and specify the form as shown below:

That's it.

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