Hooks bulk operation

Hooks bulk operation

Bulk Operation function is useful to modify more than one records. To perform bulk operation, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the hooks on which you want to perform the bulk operation.
  2. Now, select `Bulk Operation` from `Actions` dropdown in Hooks tab tool bar.
  3. A similar modal window will appear as shown in below snapshot:
  4. In the above modal window, select the Hook attribute on which you want to perform the operation. The following options are available:
    1. Link with method
      Changes the method attribute of the selected records.
    2. Link in project
      Move the selected records to target project.
    3. Add a request parameter
      To add a request parameter for the selected records.
    4. Remove request parameter(s)
      To remove request parameter(s) from the selected records.
    5. Add a request header
      To add a request header for the selected records.
    6. Remove request header(s)
      To remove request header(s) from the selected records.
    7. Set description
      To set the `description` attribute of the selected records.
    8. Set URL
      To set the `URL` attribute of the selected records.
    9. Add an extracted variable
      To add a variable in the `Variable Extractor` tab of the selected records.
    10. Remove extracted variable(s)
      To remove the extracted variables from the `Variable Extractor` tab of the selected records.
    11. Set condition
      To set the `condition` attribute of the selected records.
    12. Move to hook category
      To move the selected records to target hook category.
    13. Assign authorization record
      To set the `authorization` attribute of the selected records.
  5. Based on the operation selected, `Enter a Value` section will appear below. Fill this section, and click on `Apply` button to complete the bulk operation. A sample screenshot is as below:
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