RMsis APIs (GraphQL)

RMsis APIs (GraphQL)

RMsis provides GraphQL API's on all major entities and relationships. You can use these API's to develop integrations between RMsis and other applications. This guide will help you to understand how to access and utilise these API's.


This section covers primary information needed to access RMsis API's

JIRA API Authentication

  1. RMsis API endpoint i.e. <JIRA_BASE_URL>/rest/service/latest/rmsis/graphql is part of RMsis plugin.
  2. So, you will need to access JIRA authentication API to receive authentication token and subsequently you can access RMsis API endpoint.
  3. If you do not have prior knowledge of accessing API in JIRA, please visit JIRA Server platform REST API reference


  1. RMsis uses GraphQL as its API standard
  2. GraphQL is query language for API's created by Facebook.
  3. You can learn more about GraphQL via specification http://facebook.github.io/graphql/ or example implementation https://github.com/facebook/graphql
  4. Some more getting started articles,


This section covers information about resources available in RMsis API's.

There are two main kind of resources available in RMsis, entities and relationships.


  1. All distinct and independent resources in RMsis are called entity.
  2. As RMsis imports some of them from JIRA, we can classify entities as internal and external.
  3. Internal Entities
    1. Requirement
      1. Planned
      2. Unplanned
    2. Release
    3. Test Case (Test Steps as its part)
    4. Test Run
  4. External Entity
    1. User
    2. Project
  5. In API's,
    1. For internal entities, all CRUD operations are provided, whereas,
    2. For external entities, only retrieve operation is provided (to get RMsis internal ID) and we encourage you to use JIRA Rest API's for other operations.


  1. Links between entities is called relationship
  2. In API's, CRUD operations are provided for relationships


This section covers structure of API's provided in RMsis.

Request and Response Structure

RMsis follows GraphQL for request and response structure.


Request to GraphQL endpoint can either be HTTP GET or POST method

  1. GET Method
    1. GraphQL operation query can be provided as a query parameter
    2. <GrapQL_Endpoint>?query=<GraphQL_Operation_Query>
  2. Post Method
    1. GraphQL endpoint consumes application/json media type, and operation query is provided as request body
    2. Structure of this as follows

      Grapql JSON Request Body
      	query: "<GraphQL_Query>" //required
      	variables: { //not required
      		//Map of GraphQL variables
      	operationName: "<Name_of_Operation>" //not required


GraphQL returns media type  application/json as response. HTTP Code 200 or 400 is provided depending upon errors in response. Structure of this response is,

GraphQL Response JSON
	data: {
		//contains data response
	errors: [
		//optional list of error while executing api
		//if there is any error in response, http status code will be 404.

Operation Structure

As per GraphQL standard, API's in RMsis are divided in two operation structures, query and mutation types.

Query Type

API to retrieve any entity or relationships are part of query type. General structure for these API's are

  1. For entities
    1. get<Singular_or_Plural_Entity_Name...>
    2. search<Entity_Name...>
  2. For relationships
    1. getTargetRelationshipEntities
    2. getSourceRelationshipEntities 

Mutation Type

API to create, update, or delete are part of mutation type. General structure for these API's are

  1. For entities
    1. create<Entity_Name>
    2. update<Entity_Name>
    3. delete<Entity_Name>
  2. For relationships
    1. createRelationship
    2. deleteRelationship

More information about Structure of API's can be obtained from GraphQL Schema file.


Permissions granted to users are same as the ones configured for a specific user.

API Playground

RMsis provides GraphiQL Playground (https://github.com/graphql/graphiql) build along side RMsis plugin for API documentation and testing API calls against your system. It can be accessed from your JIRA Menu Bar >> RMsis >> API Playground (<Jira_base_url>/secure/ApiPlayground.jspa). A view of the GraphiQL user interface is presented below:


Few samples based on RMsis GraphQL,

Application Samples

Here are links to some applications created using RMsis GraphQL,

Sample Request and Response

This section contains request and response samples based on current RMsis GraphQL implementation.

InformationRequest QueryResponse CodeResponse JSON
Fetch list of Priority in system
  getPriorities {
  "data": {
    "getPriorities": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Blocker"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Critical"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Major"
        "id": 4,
        "name": "Minor"
        "id": 5,
        "name": "Trivial"
Fetch list of Users available in RMsis
  getUsers {
  "data": {
    "getUsers": [
        "id": 703,
        "externalId": "admin"
        "id": 699,
        "externalId": "userone"
        "id": 701,
        "externalId": "test"
        "id": 705,
        "externalId": "usertwo"
Fetch single requirement by ID
  getRequirementById(id: 1) {
    categories {
    reporter {
    priority {
  "data": {
    "getRequirementById": {
      "id": 1,
      "summary": "Requirement 1",
      "description": "Requirement <p>description</p>",
      "externalId": null,
      "createdAt": "22 Oct 1988 05:30 AM",
      "categories": [
          "id": 1001,
          "name": "Category 1"
          "id": 1002,
          "name": "Category 2"
      "reporter": {
        "id": 24
      "priority": {
        "name": "Major"
Fetch requirement by ID
  getRequirementById(id: 222) {

  "data": {
    "getRequirementById": null
  "errors": [
      "message": "Requirement with ID: 2 not found",
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 3
      "path": [
Create planned requirement
mutation {
  createPlannedRequirement(projectId: 709, summary: "New Requirement Summary") {
  "data": {
    "createPlannedRequirement": {
      "id": 2,
      "summary": "New Requirement Summary",
      "createdAt": "16 Apr 2018 12:55 PM"
Delete Test Case
mutation {
  deleteTestCase(id: 5)

  "data": {
    "deleteTestCase": true
Fetch linked artifacts of a requirement
  getTargetRelationshipEntities(name: REQUIREMENT_ARTIFACT, sourceId: 1074)
  "data": {
    "getTargetRelationshipEntities": [
Fetch artifact externalID using RMsis ID
  getArtifactById(id: 839) {
  "data": {
    "getArtifactById": {
      "id": 839,
      "externalId": "10023"

Known Limitations

This section covers known limitations of current implementation.

  1. For external entities (i.e. JIRA entities), only internal and external ID is return
    1. we encourage you to use JIRA Rest API's for more information.
  2. Meta API's for custom fields are currently not available.
  3. API's for privileged operations like version, commit, etc. are currently not available.
  4. Some operations requiring a UI context (like move etc.) are not yet provided.
  5. API's for configuration and administration are currently not available.