Adding hyperlink to a requirement's text field

Adding hyperlink to a requirement's text field

Question : Can I add a hyperlink to a requirement's text field (like Requirement Summary) ? Or how can I attach a hyperlink with a requirement?

Answer :

  • At present you can not specify a hyperlink within the description field/ text field of a requirement. 
  • This issue is already as RMI-1990

  • However, for the time being, you can specify links to external documents/pages within the "Attachments" column.

  • A detailed explanation for Requirements attributes is available here : http://docs.optimizory.com/display/rmsis/Requirement+Attributes

  • Note :
    • In order to help us to prioritise the issues/ feature requests, if this issue is not tracked against your ID in our CRM, please let us know by sending a mail to <support@optimizory.com>
      • Once you inform us, this issue will be tracked against your ID. 
      • Subsequently, we will keep you abreast of the development of this issue and will inform you once the fix for this issue is available.