Importing Requirements/ test Cases to a new project.

Importing Requirements/ test Cases to a new project.

Question : I am starting new project, I want to copy all requirements, test cases and their linking from an existing project. How can I export RMsis data to another project/ JIRA-RMsis instance?

Answer :

  • You can use the CSV export and import functionality to export RMsis data from one project and then importing it to another project.
  • From RMsis 1.7.6 (and later versions), relationships / links between RMsis entities and JIRA issues can be exported and imported using the CSV export/ import feature.
  • By using the CSV export/ import functionality for Traceability tab, you can import the association of requirements with other requirements/ test cases or JIRA issues.
  • A detailed information for export/ import of Traceability information is available here : http://docs.optimizory.com/display/rmsis/Export+and+Import+of+Traceability+information
  • Similarly, by using the CSV export/ import functionality in Test Cases tab, you can import the association between various test cases.
  • Note : 
    • The CSV export/ import functionality can be used export and import of data corresponding to Planned Requirements, Unplanned Requirements, Test Cases, Test Runs, Traceability information,Test Case Relationships. 
    • This feature is under continuous development so, please update to the latest available version of RMsis to import/export maximum possible information.
    • Please note that this feature still has limited capability and details not mentioned above will not be imported. It will have to be updated manually.
    • Details about data import and export are available at http://docs.optimizory.com/display/rmsis/Data+Import+and+Export