Slack Integration via hooks

Slack Integration via hooks

For quick start, there is a built-in template available for Slack integration. For more information on importing built-in templates, please read this guide link.

Slack can be easily integrated with vREST using vREST hooks functionality. Please follow the steps below to send notifications automatically against test run / test case failures.


  1. Configure Slack incoming webhook
    You need to first configure the incoming webhook in your slack app. Incoming Webhooks are a simple way to post messages from external sources into Slack. To learn more about configuring slack's incoming webhook, please visit slack guide on incoming webhook.
  2. Send failure notifications into Slack
    1. If you want to send notifications against each test case failure in the test run then configure the post test case hook as shown in the following snapshots.

    2. And if you want to send a single notification against test run failure then configure the post test run hook as shown in the following snapshots.



If you are having difficulty in integrating slack with vREST, then contact us at support@vrest.io with your issue details.

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