Test Cases tab main body

Test Cases tab main body

The main body contains a list of test cases as shown in below snapshot:

In the above snapshot, following sections are there:

  1. Test Suite header
    Test Suite header defines the test suite for the test cases which are below the test suite header until the next test suite header appears.
  2. Test Case header
    Test Case header section shows the test case summary, request method, request URL and a selection checkbox to select the test case. When you click on the test case header, test case body will appear.
  3. Test Case body
    Test Case body section shows further details of the test case. It contains the following tabs:
    1. Details Tab
    2. Request Tab
    3. Response Validation Tab
    4. Results Tab
    5. Variable Extractor Tab
  4. Pagination
    Pagination section provide options to navigate to other pages of the test case list.


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