TC Details tab

TC Details tab

Test Case details tab shows the following information as shown in below snapshot:

  1. URL
    Provide test case URL without query parameters. Define query parameters in Request tab.
  2. Description
    Provide test case description here to help another tester to understand this test case.
  3. Method
    Provide request method to use for the test case.
  4. External Id
    • Provide external id of the test case. External id is the id of the test case in any third party test case management tool. vREST will send this external id while executing configured test case hooks.
    • For more information, please read Third Party tools integration via Hooks.
  5. Versions
    Provide version information for the test case. Versions can be configured in Project Configuration tab.
  6. Tags
    Associate tags to mange test cases. Existing tags can be deleted from Project Configuration tab.
  7. Condition
  8. Loop Source
    • Provide loop source to execute this test case inside a loop. This property is helpful in performing data driven testing.
    • For more information, please read Looping.
  9. Authorization
    • Associate configured authorization. vREST will automatically send the authorization header while executing the test case.
    • For more information, please read Authorization.
  10. Wait for seconds
    Provide value for this attribute if you want to introduce delay before the execution of this test case.


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