TC Expected Schema sub tab
TC Expected Schema sub tab
This tab is useful for only JSON responses.
If you want to validate the schema of your API response, then you may enable this sub-tab. You may specify the expected response schema of the API in this tab.
An assertion `Text Body => Default Schema Validator` will be automatically created whenever you enable the Expected Schema sub tab. That means that vREST will send this expected schema and actual body to a built-in response validator `Default Schema Validator` to validate the response schema.
- Use this link to generate JSON schema of the expected JSON response.
- Please note that the above link redirects you to a third party tool to generate JSON schema.
- vREST provides this link for the convenience of our users and vREST do not own such utility.
- vREST currently supports draft-03 and draft-04 versions of JSON schema.
- Please use this link for more information about JSON schema.
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