TC Test Results sub tab

TC Test Results sub tab

Test Results sub tab shows the results and execution details of the test case for a test run. This sub tab provides you the following information:

  1. Test Result and test run information
    1. This section will provide you the information whether the test case is passed, failed, not executed or not runnable.
    2. And also show you the test run name.
  2. Variables used
    1. This section can be shown by clicking on `Show variables used` checkbox.
    2. This section will provide information on the variable's value which were used while test case execution.
  3. Execution Time Details
    1. This section can be shown by clicking on `Show execution time details` checkbox.
    2. This section will provide information on actual test case execution details which vREST test runner finally executed.
    3. This section is helpful in debugging the failure of a test case.
  4. Assertion Results
    1. This section provides results of various assertions which are configured in Response Validation tab.
    2. Assertions which uses Default Validator or Custom Response Validator also provides two additional reports:
      1. Diff report - Diff report is helpful in knowing the diff between the expected and actual response body.
      2. Expected vs Actual report - This report will show the expected body at execution time and actual response body received.

A sample of Test Results sub tab is shown in below snapshot:

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