Exporting the Traceability Report

The Export Drop-down

The report can be exported to a CSV file using the Export drop-down to the right.


Tabular Reports

In case of tabular reports, the user can choose between exporting only the current page or exporting all of the records.


Reading the Exported Tabular Report

In the exported report, each main issue is presented in a row, with child rows for each of the linked issues. The fields selected in the issue card fields drop-down are exported to the file for each (linked) issue, presented as columns following the issue’s key.

For example

  • Line 10 is read as, ASC-6 Relates to ASC-2

The Tree Report

The user can export the tree using the export current page option of the export dropdown


Reading the Exported Tree Report

the file presents the tree in a tabular format along with the information of configured issue fields.

  • Issue nodes in the tree are represented as a row in the file

  • The first field, indent corresponds to the level of depth of the issue node.

  • The Link field corresponds to the link node between two issue nodes in the tree, or the orphan nodes node, that is the parent of the orphan nodes branch.

  • The fields following the Link field correspond to the other issue fields of the issue of the row.


For example,

  • Line 1-7 imply that ASC-5, ASC-7, ASC-9, ASC-10, ASC-11, ASC-12, ASC-13 are Orphan Issues

  • Line 8 implies that ASC-1 has child issues ASC-8 and ASC-2

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