Deploying RMsis on JIRA Server

Deploying RMsis on JIRA Server

RMsis installation is essentially in two parts

  • Install RMsis
    • RMsis plugin can be installed through JIRA Universal Plugin Manager.
  • Configure RMsis
    • After installation of RMsis, RMsis tab will appear in Jira menu bar.
    • Login as administrator in JIRA and then click on RMsis menu to configure RMsis.

The entire sequence of installation process is elaborated below:

Step 1 : Install using JIRA Universal Plugin Manager

Step 2 : Configure RMsis Home Page

  • After clicking on RMsis, you will be redirected to the installation welcome page, as shown below

  • Once you choose an option to Begin Installation, you will be redirected to RMsis Home Settings page.
  • In this step, RMsis will create RMsis Home directory to store backups, configurations (jdbc, mail etc.), logs etc.
  • Take a note of the information provided and click on next to move to the next step.

Step 3 : Configure RMsis Database

  • At present, RMsis supports MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL and Oracle databases
  • Create a database in either MySQL / Postgres / MSSQL/ Oracle and specify database connection details, as shown below

  1. RMsis Database must be different from JIRA Database.
  2. You can use different database types for JIRA and RMsis e.g. MySQL for JIRA and Postgres for RMsis.

Step 3.2 : Test Database Configuration

  • After filling the database details, you can check the database connection by clicking on TEST CONNECTION button.

Step 4 : Configure Mail

  • You can either disable OR configure your mail settings in this step.

Step 4.1 : Enter Mail Configuration

  • The details are shown in the following screens

Step 4.2 : Test Mail Configuration

Once the Mail Configuration is entered, user has an option to test

  • Connection to Mail Server
  • Send a Test Mail to ensure that the mail has been correctly configured

Step 5 :Server Settings

  • By default RMsis Server will run with http on port 3060 without any proxy settings.
  • User has an option to specify the Minimum and Maximum memory used by the JVM. 256 MB and 512 MB are the minimum acceptable limits here.

  • To run RMsis Server on https, select the option https from "Specify RMsis Server scheme". 
  • After selecting https, RMsis will ask for "Key Alias", "Keystore File" and "Keystore Password", where
    • Keystore Type: The type of keystore file to be used for the server certificate. Tomcat operates only on JKS, PKCS11 or PKCS12 format keystores.
    • Key Alias:The alias used for the server certificate in the keystore.
    • Keystore File: The pathname of the keystore file where you have stored the server certificate to be loaded.
    • Keystore Password:The password used to access the specified keystore file.

  • Reverse Proxy can also be configured for RMsis Server by checking the Enable Reverse Proxy Settings.
  • RMsis will ask for "Proxy Scheme", "Proxy Host Name" and "Proxy Port", where
    • Proxy Scheme: The scheme on which the proxy server is running, can be either http or https.
    • Proxy Host Name: The host name or ip address of the proxy server. 
    • Proxy Port: The port number, on which the proxy server is running.
After configuring reverse proxy, RMsis will use the proxy base url as: <Proxy Scheme>://<Proxy Host Name>:<Proxy Port>/rm
Note : If RMsis is configured using reverse proxy, additional command line arguments for reverse proxy scheme, hostname, and port will be displayed with RMsis process.

Step 6 : Deploy RMsis

  • In this step, RMsis plugin will install RMsis application with an embedded Tomcat Server.

  • Please wait for some time (It will take one to two minutes). After RMsis server startup, the screen will show :

  • Congratulations !!! Now RMsis server is running successfully,
  • Click on FINISH button to complete setup process.
  • Subsequently, you will be automatically redirected to license page.

Re-Initializing RMsis Configuration

In case, you wish to re-initialize RMsis installation (due to some reason), please follow the following steps:

  1. Login into JIRA with administrator account.
  2. Click on RMsis (on JIRA Menu Bar) > RMsis Configuration
    • The following page will appear and you will have an option to change any of the key parameters related
  3. In order to completely Reset the RMsis configuration  
    • Click on Re-Configure RMsis from the RMsis Configuration in JIRA Menu.
    • Subsequently, you will be automatically redirected to RMsis setup page.
    • Please follow the on screen instructions to configure RMsis.

Caution !!!
  • Making a change in configuration can lead to loss of data.
  • Please make sure that you have noted the current settings and have taken backup of Database.