Running RMsis on Reverse Proxy with JIRA Data Center

Running RMsis on Reverse Proxy with JIRA Data Center


RMsis must be configured to run behind a reverse proxy server like Nginx or Apache HTTP Server. Configuring reverse proxy server allows for running RMsis on non-standard HTTP/HTTPS port (such as 3060) and users will be able to access RMsis over standard HTTP/HTTPS as their traffic will be routed through the proxy.

This page describes how to integrate Apache HTTP Server with RMsis, utilizing mod_proxy so that Apache operates as a reverse-proxy over HTTPS (You can use similar/ appropriate configuration if you are using Nginx). 

Target Audience :

The targeted audience for this document are users who want to

  • access RMsis over HTTPS but do not want to install/ configure security certificate. 
  • run RMsis 2.x DC with JIRA DC using a reverse proxy server/load balancer.  

Prerequisites :

The following are the prerequisites for running RMsis 2.x with JIRA DC using a reverse proxy server :

A typical Reverse Proxy/Load balancer Configuration for RMsis 2.x DC with JIRA DC

If the above-mentioned prerequisites are fulfilled, a typical reverse Proxy Configuration with JIRA and RMsis running on HTTP will look like : 

                                Figure 1 :  A typical Reverse Proxy Configuration

In the above image, the reverse proxy server is configured for the URL https://jira.example.com , the JIRA DC nodes are configured for URL and

Link #1 : Client machine accessing reverse proxy server - https://jira.example.com

Link #2 : Reverse Proxy Server accessing JIRA DC Node(primary) on which RMsis is being deployed:

Link #6 : Reverse Proxy Server accessing  remaining node of JIRA DC(secondary) :

Now, We need to configure links #3, and #5 (Link #4 is automatically created by RMsis).

Configure Reverse Proxy Server (for RMsis)

Apache uses Modules which can be enabled or disabled and are essentially plugins that change the functionality of the server .mod_proxy is an example of these modules. 

To configure mod_proxy for use with your Application, you need to use the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives in the Apache configuration file as follows:

ProxyPass /rm http://jira.example:3060/rm
ProxyPassReverse /rm http://jira.example:3060/rm

The above directives tell Apache HTTP Server to forward web requests of the form https://jira.example.com/rm to the Tomcat connector running on port 3060(in this case RMsis running under the context path /rm) on the same machine.

Detailed information for mod_proxy is available here: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy.html

If you are using some other reverse proxy server (like Nginx), you can use similar configuration/ modules.

Sample Reverse Proxy Configuration for Apache :

If JIRA DC cluster is running under the root context "/",then the sample reverse proxy configuration for both JIRA DC and RMsis 2.x DC servers would be:

NameVirtualHost *:443
<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName jira.example.com
    #The above link refers to Link #1 in Figure 1			
ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPreserveHost On

    SSLEngine On
    SSLCertificateFile /home/user/ssl/server.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /home/user/ssl/server.key
    SSLCertificateChainFile /home/user/ssl/cabundle.crt
#for JIRA DC Cluster Setup
	<Proxy balancer://jiracluster>
# JIRA DC node 1
BalancerMember route=primary
# The above link refers to Link #2 in Figure 1

# JIRA DC node 2
BalancerMember route=secondary
#The above link refers to Link #6 in Figure 1

# Security "we aren't blocking anyone but this the place to make those changes
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from none
Allow from all

# Load Balancer Settings
# We are not really balancing anything in this setup, but need to configure this
ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests
ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID

    #for RMsis 2.x DC Server
    	ProxyPass /rm					
    	ProxyPassReverse /rm
    	#The above link refers to Link #3 in Figure 1
#for JIRA Data Center
# Don't reverse-proxy requests to the management UI
ProxyPass /balancer-manager !

# Reverse proxy all other requests to the JIRA cluster
ProxyPass / balancer://jiracluster/
	# Here's how to enable the load balancer's management UI if desired
<Location /balancer-manager>
SetHandler balancer-manager

# You SHOULD CHANGE THIS to only allow trusted ips to use the manager
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

Note : The reverse proxy directives for RMsis should be written before the reverse proxy directives for JIRA DC in the Apache configuration file if JIRA is running under the root context / .

Configure RMsis Server :

The server configuration in RMsis will be :

  • RMsis Server Scheme: http (scheme on which RMsis server will be running)
  • RMsis Host Name: (Host name or the IP address of the RMsis Server)
  • RMsis Port: 3060 (Port number for RMsis Server)
    • The above three will create Link #3 in Figure 1
  • Enable Reverse Proxy: Enabled
  • Reverse Proxy Scheme: https (scheme on which Reverse Proxy Server will be running)
  • Reverse Proxy Host Name: jira.example.com (Host name of Reverse Proxy Server)
  • Reverse Proxy Port: 443 (Port number of Reverse Proxy Server)
  • Enable Debugging: Enabled
  • JVM Min Memory: 256 MB
  • JVM Max Memory: 1024 MB
  • JIRA Internal URL:
    • This creates Link #5 in Figure 1. 
    • This is the URL of the machine on which JIRA+RMsis server is running.

    • Make sure that you are not writing the reverse proxy URL here.

    • RMsis server communicates with JIRA using JIRA internal URL.

The complete Reverse proxy configuration will look like :

                                   Figure 2 : Reverse Proxy Configuration

Link #1 : Client machine accessing reverse proxy server - https://jira.example.com

Link #2 & #6 : Reverse Proxy Server accessing JIRA DC Nodes :

Link #3 : Reverse Proxy Server accessing RMsis 2.x DC Server :

Link #4 : JIRA Server accessing RMsis Server : (here 42045 is an internal port selected automatically by RMsis. If this port is not available, RMsis will select a different port)

Link #5 : RMsis Server accessing JIRA Server :

Note : 

For this configuration to work correctly, reverse proxy should not be blocking access from 

  • JIRA to RMsis
  • RMsis to JIRA

Further references:

A guide to reverse proxy is available here: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/howto/reverse_proxy.html