Upgrading Existing RMsis

RMsis version upgrade is essentially in three steps

  1. Save the base configuration and prepare for installation.
  2. Install RMsis
    1. RMsis plugin can be installed through JIRA Universal Plugin Manager.
  3. Upgrade RMsis
    1. Login as administrator in JIRA and then click on RMsis menu.
    2. You will be automatically redirected to Upgrade RMsis screen.

The entire sequence of upgrade process is elaborated below for different base (existing) versions.

Preconditions for automatic upgrade

  • The RMsis version number should be either equal to or higher than the existing version.
  • The Build Number should be higher than the existing version.

Upgrading RMsis

Prepare for upgrade

In order to upgrade existing RMsis with new version, please follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Take backup of existing database.

Install the new version using JIRA Universal Plugin Manager


  • After clicking on RMsis menu, the upgrade screen will appear.
  • click on UPGRADE to proceed. You will be redirected to RMsis deployment step.

Deploy RMsis

  • In this step, RMsis plugin will install RMsis application with an embedded Tomcat Server.
  • Please wait for some time (It will take one to two minutes). After RMsis server startup, the screen will show :

  • Congratulations !!! Now RMsis server is running successfully, 
  • Click on FINISH button to complete upgrade process. 
  • Subsequently, you will redirected to RMsis application

Install the new version using JIRA Universal Plugin Manager

Upgrade RMsis

  • Login as JIRA administrator and select Add-ons > Manage add-ons
  • Get the URL for the desired version of RMsis from http://products.optimizory.com/rmsis/download
  • Click on Upload add-on and enter the URL when prompted.
  • Click on RMsis > RMsis Home.
  • The following screen will appear:
  • Now, if you have taken the backup of RMsis, then click on UPGRADE to proceed.
  • You will be redirected to RMsis deployment step.

Deploy RMsis

  • In this step, RMsis plugin will install RMsis application with an embedded Tomcat Server.
  • Please wait for some time (It will take one to two minutes). After RMsis server startup, the following screen will show up :

  • Congratulations !!! Now RMsis server is running successfully, 
  • Click on FINISH button to complete upgrade process. 
  • Please Note
    • By default, RMsis server will run on port 3060.
    • This will change the base url of RMsis and you will need to regenerate the license.
    • You can also change the port number of RMsis server by clicking on RMsis Configuration under the RMsis tab in JIRA menu bar. This port number must be different from JIRA Server port number.
  • Subsequently, you will be automatically redirected to license page.

Upgrade License

  • In the upgrade process, your system code for RMsis has changed.
  • So RMsis will show your previous license as invalid license and you will need to re-generate your license.
  • Your license re-generation would be activated by Optimizory. In case of any issues, please send a request to support@optimizory.com
  • On the following screen, click on Update License Key link to update the license.