TC Actions Dropdown

TC Actions Dropdown

First select the test cases then click on this `# Selected` dropdown to view the available options. This dropdown has the following options:


  1. Cut operation
    Cut operation is to cut the selected records. And later cut records can be pasted at another position by Paste Above / Paste Below operations.
  2. Copy operation
    Copy operation is to copy the selected records. And later copied records can be pasted at another position by Paste Above / Paste Below operations.
  3. Paste Above operation
    To paste the cut/copied record(s) to another position (above the selected test case).
  4. Paste Below operation
    To paste the cut/copied record(s) to another position (below the selected test case).
  5. Duplicate operation
    To duplicate the test case. Duplicated test case will be pasted below the selected test case.
  6. Make Read Only operation
    To make the test case read only. After this, editing will be disabled for the test case.
  7. Make Editable operation
    To make the test case editable again if disabled by previous operation.
  8. Enable operation
    By default, all test cases are enabled. Only enabled test cases will be executed while test run execution.
  9. Disable operation
    To disable the test case(s). All the disabled test case will be skipped while test run execution.
  10. Bulk operation 
    To perform bulk operation on the selected records. For more information, please read TC Bulk Operation.
  11. Delete operation
    To delete the test case.
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