TC Bulk Operation

TC Bulk Operation

Bulk Operation function is useful to modify more than one records. To perform bulk operation, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the test cases on which you want to perform the bulk operation.
  2. Now, select `Bulk Operation` from `Actions` dropdown in TC tab tool bar.
  3. A similar modal window will appear as shown in below snapshot:
  4. In the above modal window, select the test case attribute on which you want to perform the operation. The following options are available:
    1. Link with method
      Changes the method attribute of the selected records.
    2. Link in project
      Move the selected records to target project.
    3. Change version
      To change the version of the selected records.
    4. Link / un-link tags
      To link / un-link tags of the selected records.
    5. Add a request parameter
      To add a request parameter for the selected records.
    6. Remove request parameter(s)
      To remove request parameter(s) from the selected records.
    7. Add a request header
      To add a request header for the selected records.
    8. Remove request header(s)
      To remove request header(s) from the selected records.
    9. Set description
      To set the `description` attribute of the selected records.
    10. Set URL
      To set the `URL` attribute of the selected records.
    11. Set wait for seconds value
      To set the `wait for seconds` attribute of the selected records.
    12. Add an extracted variable
      To add a variable in the `Variable Extractor` tab of the selected records.
    13. Remove extracted variable(s)
      To remove the extracted variables from the `Variable Extractor` tab of the selected records.
    14. Set condition
      To set the `condition` attribute of the selected records.
    15. Move to test suite
      To move the selected records to target test suite.
    16. Assign authorization record
      To set the `authorization` attribute of the selected records.
  5. Based on the operation selected, `Select Value` section will appear below. Fill this section, and click on `Apply` button to complete the bulk operation. A sample screenshot is as below:


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