Authentication error due to SameSite cookie issue

Authentication error due to SameSite cookie issue


  • ‘Data error.’ or the message ”You have been logged out from RMsis session. Please click on RMsis menu link in JIRA menu bar to re-authenticate." is displayed upon accessing RMsis.

  • The above error suggests that RMsis is not able to authenticate the user who is trying to access RMsis.

  • This issue occurs due to the recent changes related to SameSite cookies in the Chromium project.

    • These changes restrict the availability of cookies to other servers if accessed over HTTP.

    • Details regarding the SameSite cookie issue is available here: https://blog.chromium.org/2020/02/samesite-cookie-changes-in-february.html

    • Initially, the effect of these changes began to appear in Google Chrome v80+ 

    • Slowly these changes are being included in other chromium-based browsers like Edge and hence the errors.

    • These changes are not being pushed on Internet Explorer, so this issue is not visible in IE.


You can use the following workaround on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge to retain the legacy behavior for cookies. This will make Jira cookies available to RMsis once again. 

  • For Google Chrome, set both of these flags to "Disabled" by opening the following URLs in the browser.

    • chrome://flags/#same-site-by-default-cookies

    • chrome://flags/#cookies-without-same-site-must-be-secure

  • See the above image for reference to disable flags in Google Chrome.

  • For Microsoft Edge, set both of these flags to "Disabled" by opening the following URLs in the browser.

    • edge://flags/#same-site-by-default-cookies

    • edge://flags/#cookies-without-same-site-must-be-secure


  • See the above image for reference to disable flags in Microsoft Edge.

  • Relaunch the browser and try accessing RMsis once again.

  • You should be able to use RMsis after performing the above-mentioned changes.