Backup and Restore

Backup and Restore

For an RMsis instance you must take backup of two things - one is RMsis home directory and the other is database.

Backup and restore of RMsis home directory

RMsis home directory is what you have configure during the installation. RMsis home directory is used to store RMsis database settings, SMTP settings and logs. Use the operating system utilities to take backup of the home directory. On UNIX, use programs like tar, cpio to take backup and on Microsoft Windows you can use WinZip. Restoring is extracting the data back from the backup file using the same tools.

Backup and restore of RMsis database

Database backup is dependent on the type of database you are using. Currently RMsis supports - MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle databases. There are separate topics explaining backup and restore on these databases.


Backup and restore of MySQL should be done using the utilities that come packaged with MySQL. This section briefly describes the process.



This section briefly describes how to backup and restore MSSQL database using the SQL Server Management Studio.



This section briefly describes how to backup and restore PostgreSQL database.



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